A simple, fabulous cure for skin infections; 2 excellent ways to get the benefits of silver, which inhibits bacteria, yeast, viruses.

Aquacel AG came out about 20 years ago and required a prescription, but it no longer does—and there are multiple generic versions of this bandage-turned-gel sponge you can buy over the counter. Great even for burns and diabetic ulcers. The main reason these don’t heal quickly is because microorganisms grow on and in them, preventing healing.

Low concentrations of silver are nontoxic (Silver leaf adorns some Indian desserts, and yes I have eaten them) and inhibit the growth of everything, allowing these difficult wounds to heal quickly and easily.

You buy the “bandage” with impregnated silver, cut it to fit the wound, and stick it on or in the ulcerated, open area. As it moistens (which you can hasten by slowly dripping drops of water on it) it turns to a firm gel and fills up the open area. Then you simply apply a clear covering (tegaderm was the brand used in the hospital) that breathes, with adhesive just around the edges. And leave the wound alone, and it will heal. You can leave it a week. If the silver was insufficient and an infection develops, you will see pus—so simply remove, wash area, and repeat with adequate silver material. Thhis almost never happens when applied correctly.

But I just found something easier for difficult spots. Robert Scott Bell interviewed me in Salt Lake City a couple of months ago, and gave me some of his goodies as a gift. One of them was called “Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel, Topical Healing.”

I came home from a month of travel with a yeast infection under my breasts: due to too many desserts (blood sugar elevation predisposes you to yeast), sweating from wearing suits, and reduced ability to launder my clothes. I’d seen it in many patients, and so I tried the doctor remedy: an antifungal OTC cream. After 24 hours no benefit, maybe worse. The yeast can get resistant to the meds, sadly. Luckily, I spotted the gel Robert Scott Bell had given me and and decided to try it.

It was so simple to apply, a thin coat, and I let it dry for a minute. Then you could put on a bra, no bandages or goo in the way. I did this twice daily and in 2 and a half days the yeast was completely gone! I also reduced my carb intake to minimal and no doubt my blood sugar normalized, which also helped.

This stuff was amazing. Worked SO much better than any prescription I knew of. As we learn to medically care for ourselves, this would be a great little stocking stuffer for the medicine chest. Say goodbye to bacitracin, which usually does not work anyway. I plan to apply this to cuts and scrapes from now on. Please consider the silver bandages for diabetic ulcers—there is nothing easier or quicker healing.

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