I will be live blogging the ACIP meeting today and tomorrow on multiple upcoming vaccines
They sure keep 'em coming
Here is where you can tune in from 8 am on today and tomorrow.
They sure keep 'em coming
Here is where you can tune in from 8 am on today and tomorrow.
Why was the WEF in on the ground floor? Who knew about inequitable distribution of vaccines only 3 months into the rollout? Was vaccine inequity baked into the pandemic response to justify a Treaty?
Why was the WEF in on the ground floor? Who knew about inequitable distribution of vaccines only 3 months into the rollout? Was vaccine inequity baked into the pandemic response to justify a Treaty?
Alex Krainer is an excellent geopolitical analyst with a very interesting take on the fall of Syria
Alex Krainer is an excellent geopolitical analyst with a very interesting take on the fall of Syria
And see how the US rate of 68% fully vaxxed, and 34% taking a booster is lower than Bangladesh, below. We woke up a lot faster than the rest of the world. And our numbers are probably juiced...
And see how the US rate of 68% fully vaxxed, and 34% taking a booster is lower than Bangladesh, below. We woke up a lot faster than the rest of the world. And our numbers are probably juiced…
6 earlier articles on Sachs. #5, a transcription of 3 minutes of him speaking, is a killer
6 earlier articles on Sachs. #5, a transcription of 3 minutes of him speaking, is a killer
I have not seen it yet--I will tomorrow--but something fishy was going on. What was it?
I have not seen it yet–I will tomorrow–but something fishy was going on. What was it?
CHD-Europe's volunteer translation team have provided them. Bravo team! Meanwhile I am sharing them around Europe. Tomorrow Philipp Kruse and I speak at the Estonian parliament.
CHD-Europe’s volunteer translation team have provided them. Bravo team! Meanwhile I am sharing them around Europe. Tomorrow Philipp Kruse and I speak at the Estonian parliament.