USAID sponsors program to go find the next pandemic virus and fiddle with it

$125 Million granted in October 2021 -- so taxpayers can pay for the next pandemic

Hat tip to Emily Kopp at USRTK. The oligarchs just don’t know when to stop, nor to stop bragging about how they can use our taxes to corral and control us, in this case by continuing to seek potential pandemic pathogens in the wild that can be used for another reign of terror.

I’m not kidding. Here is what USAID said about its grant:

“Discovery & Exploration of Emerging Pathogens – Viral Zoonoses (DEEP VZN)… will strengthen global capacity to detect and understand the risks of viral spillover from wildlife to humans that could cause another pandemic.”

Here is the rest of the presser, with my comments:

“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how infectious diseases threaten all of society, up-ending people’s lives and attacking societies at their cores. It is also a strong reminder of the connection between animals, humans, and the environment, and the effect that an emerging pathogen spilling over into humans can have on people’s health and on global economies.

This is a repetition of the narrative that pandemics come from spillover, not labs, and that human contact with wildlife is the problem. Furthermore, this is a lead-in to how One Health will take over “the environment” to protect us from ourselves.—Nass

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The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to advancing global health security, international pandemic preparedness, and global health resilience. Outbreaks do not respect geographic boundaries and can spread rapidly, jeopardizing the health, safety, and economic security of every country — including the United States. DEEP VZN will advance the U.S. Government’s global health security and foreign policy priorities by supporting efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to new infectious disease threats abroad.

Speaking of foreign policy priorities, the enacted 2023 NDAA that was passed in December 2022 includes 18 pages on pandemic preparedness— in which the US reserves the right to actually enter another country that is not sharing information on possible outbreaks in its territory—with pandemic health teams, or with military troops to do what exactly? The bill fails to specify who would enter, nor the purposes for which they would enter foreign territory, nor what activities they would perform. Below is the start of 18 pages that include that statement that the US will adhere to and comply with the WHO International Health Regulations (which were already being amended when this passed) and any other international instruments regarding global health security. this is now US law. I will present more on this law in future posts.

    This subtitle may be cited as the ``Global Health Security and 
International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act of 
    In this subtitle:
        (1) The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means--
            (A) the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate;
            (B) the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate;
            (C) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of 
        Representatives; and
            (D) the Committee on Appropriations of the House of 
        (2) The terms ``Global Health Security Agenda'' and ``GHSA'' 
    mean the multi-sectoral initiative launched in 2014, and renewed in 
    2018, that brings together countries, regions, international 
    organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and the private 
            (A) to elevate global health security as a national-level 
            (B) to share best practices; and
            (C) to facilitate national capacity to comply with and 
        adhere to--
                (i) the International Health Regulations (2005);
                (ii) the international standards and guidelines 
            established by the World Organisation for Animal Health;
                (iii) United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 
                (iv) the Convention on the Prohibition of the 
            Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological 
            and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction, done at 
            Washington, London, and Moscow, April 10, 1972 (commonly 
            referred to as the ``Biological Weapons Convention'');
                (v) the Global Health Security Agenda 2024 Framework; 
                (vi) other relevant frameworks that contribute to 
            global health security.

The Washington State University Paul Allen School for Global Health will implement DEEP VZN with a consortium of partners that includes the University of Washington [aka Bill Gates’ university], FHI 360, PATH, and Washington University in St. Louis.

Since 2009, USAID’s Global Health Security Program has supported work to safely discover and understand new viruses from animals at high risk locations. The vast majority, more than 70 percent, of outbreaks in people originate from animals. [WRONG—Nass] At a time when people are coming into more frequent contact with wildlife, DEEP VZN will build and expand on previous work by significantly scaling up USAID’s efforts to understand where, when, and how viruses spillover from animals to humans. USAID will share [viruses—Nass] information it gathers with host-country and global partners to develop and implement interventions in communities to reduce the risks of virus spillover and therefore, potential outbreaks. Data and information gathered by DEEP VZN will also play a critical role in developing diagnostics, medicines, and vaccines for new viruses. Developing these tools now is essential for being better prepared for the future when new viruses spillover and stopping them from causing outbreaks that could become pandemics.

DEEP VZN is a critical next step in the evolution of USAID’s work to understand and address the risks posed by zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. DEEP VZN will work in targeted countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that have both a high risk for viral spillover and the capacity to safely conduct viral discovery. Identifying and understanding unknown viral threats will help these countries—and the world—be better prepared to detect, prevent and respond to future biological threats.”

In response to a comment, I am posting below information from Prof. Bonnie Mallard on mRNA vaccines for livestock. Some are already being used.

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