House Oversight Subcommittee Digs into the COVID Coverup and the role of Sir Jeremy Farrar (the guy whose current job in the shadows is to hand our sovereignty to the WHO)
Below: my early 2020 articles that identified the Nature Medicine article as a coverup as soon as I read it. Why were all the other scientists silent? Maybe because they too fed at Fauci's trough?
Read the entire document from the Subcommittee at the link above, then review my articles about the coverup from early 2020, and my later articles about the intrepid Sir Dr. Jeremy (007) Farrar.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
There are many ways the novel coronavirus may have come about/ Nass
Nature Medicine ran a 3 page article that claimed to explain why the novel coronavirus is not a lab construct. USA Today wrote a summary piece explaining it:
“If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness,” the report said. “But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.”—USAT
Yet it turns out to be a specious argument, relying on the fact that the novel coronavirus backbone sequence was not already known in the open virology literature.
1. While starting from a known RNA sequence is one easy way to create a pathogen, it is certainly not necessary to do so.
2. Nor is it likely that biodefense/biowarfare programs share knowledge of all their creations. They never have before.
3. a) Finally, it is relatively easy to detect the human hand when a chimera of known virulence factors is strung together.
b) But because plausible deniability is a critical component of a bioweapons attack, I doubt that a chimera using known sequences is the path that would have been followed by a modern biowarrior.
I will briefly mention some of the old techniques for creating bioweapons, none of which require that a known, published RNA backbone would be required to build a novel, virulent coronavirus:
1. China has unique bats. So do other countries. Unique bats likely harbor unique viruses. Bits of these viruses can be strung together, while no outside parties are aware that these particular RNA threads exist in nature.
2. You take an already virulent RNA virus, subject it to high rates of mutation via chemical or radiological exposure, and test the viruses that survive for the acquisition of new virulence characteristics.
3. You simply passage the virus through tens, hundreds or thousands of lab animals or cell cultures and test the results for acquisition of new virulence characteristics.
4. You mix different viruses together with different virulence characteristics, allow them to grow together, and seek recombinants that have obtained the desired new mix of virulence factors.
All these possibilities result in viruses that are hard to pin on lab production. I dare the Nature Medicine scientists to dismiss these scenarios.
Still, I doubt that any national program would deliberately release this coronavirus onto the people of the earth, because it is so hard to control.
Historically, bio-weaponeers have required their creations to be controlled at all costs. In one well-documented example of biowarfare, unleashing African swine fever on a Caribbean island was associated with no spread beyond the island. In another, anthrax spores were used because they stay put– their use did not cause anthrax cases beyond the borders of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
So why do we have a coronavirus epidemic now?
An accidental biowarfare laboratory release is the best current hypothesis, in my opinion. Such accidental releases have been documented for many decades, throughout the world. But I could certainly be wrong.
Update April 29: Newsweek has been delving into “gain of function” (which means increasing the virulence of a pathogen) coronavirus research in Wuhan, China which might have contributed to the formation of SARS-CoV-2… and the interesting fact (which I posted about here) that the US government provided financial support for this research. Newsweek’s pieces were posted April 27, and 29. My other pieces questioning the origin of SARS-CoV-2 are here and here.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Why are some of the US’ top scientists making a specious argument about the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2?
1. I know about biological warfare/biodefense. I am the first person in the world (according to publicly available literature) to have analyzed an epidemic and demonstrated that the epidemic was due to biological warfare. (1992 study of the 1978-1980 Rhodesian anthrax outbreak, published in Medicine and Global Survival, aka Physicians for Social Responsibility Quarterly (name changed), hosted by International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War).
2. Prior to genetic engineering techniques being developed (1973) and widely used (since late 1970s), more ‘primitive’ means of causing mutations, with the intention of developing biological weapons, were employed. Such methods were used by the Japanese beginning in the 1930s, by the US beginning in the 1940s, and by a number of other countries. They resulted in biological weapons that were tested, well-described, and in some cases, used. Such methods were also used subsequent to the 1970s.
3. These methods can result in biowarfare agents that lack the identifiable signature of a microbial agent constructed in a lab from known RNA or DNA sequences. In fact, it would be desirable to produce such agents, since it would be difficult to prove they were deliberately constructed in a lab. Here are just a few possibilities for how one might create new, virulent mutants:
a) exposing microorganisms to chemical or radiological agents that cause high mutation rates and selecting for desired characteristics
b) passaging virus through a number of lab animals or tissue cultures
c) mixing viruses together and seeking recombinants with a new mix of virulence factors
4. Top scientists circled their wagons to protest against “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin,” in a statement published in the Lancet March 7. (It was published earlier online.) Their reported aim was to “stand with” public health professionals and scientists in China. Many who signed the statement have worked in biodefense. Signers include Rita Colwell, former director of the National Science Foundation, and James Hughes, former director of CDC’s National Center for Infectious Diseases and former assistant Surgeon General.
Science magazine wrote an article in support of these scientists, which included the following:
The authors of The Lancet statement note that scientists from several countries who have studied SARS-CoV-2 “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife,” just like many other viruses that have recently emerged in humans. “Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus,” the statement says.
Five additional scientists soon provided the “scientific evidence” to back up the natural origin claim. These 5 scientists have been affiliated with signers of the statement above, they too have worked in biodefense, and their article was published in Nature Medicine (in the print version) on March 17, 2020.
These scientists set up a straw man to knock down: they claimed that had the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 is the official name of the virus) been created in a lab: “if genetic manipulation had been performed,” then a known coronavirus backbone would have been used. But because no known backbone forms part of SARS-CoV-2, “the evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus.”
As USA Today summarized this:
“If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness,” the report said. “But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.”
Their work was then discussed by Francis Collins, the current director of the NIH.
Dr. Collins says,
“Some folks are even making outrageous claims that the new coronavirus causing the pandemic was engineered in a lab and deliberately released to make people sick. A new study debunks such claims by providing scientific evidence that this novel coronavirus arose naturally…
this study leaves little room to refute a natural origin for COVID-19…
Finally, next time you come across something about COVID-19 online that disturbs or puzzles you, I suggest going to FEMA’s new Coronavirus Rumor Control web site…”
I know that the groups of scientists who wrote these pieces in the Lancet and Nature Medicine, as well as NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, know that you don’t need genetic engineering methods to create a bioweapon. Like me, they are old, they recall a world before genetic engineering, they know the history of biowarfare, and they know the score. Why then are they participating in this charade?
Update April 29: Newsweek has been delving into “gain of function” (which means increasing the virulence of a pathogen) coronavirus research in Wuhan, China which might have contributed to the formation of SARS-CoV-2… and the interesting fact (which I posted about here) that the US government provided financial support for this research. Newsweek’s pieces were posted April 27, and 29. My other pieces questioning the origin of SARS-CoV-2 are here and here.
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust and his co-conspirators with a Vietnam connection (Peter Horby and Rick Bright)
Before Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar got the plum job of CEO of the wealthiest foundation in the UK and one of the wealthiest in the world, he did research for Oxford University in Vietnam for 18 years. It seems curious how one job led to the other. Will (as is said to happen in Las Vegas) what happened in Vietnam stay in Vietnam? Or will internet sleuths tell us how Farrar was groomed in Vietnam for his current role?
Wikipedia describes Farrar’s childhood :
Early life and education
Born in Singapore, Farrar is the youngest of six children in his family. His father taught English and his mother was a writer and artist. Due to his father’s work, he spent his childhood in New Zealand, Cyprus and Libya.[15]
Daddy was an English teacher who moved from one highly strategic location to another? Doubt it. Daddy was probably a spy. If so, Farrar probably comes by his cunning honestly.
He is a member of SAGE and CEPI, and has had previous dealings with key people like Soumya Swaminathan, who played crucial roles in suppressing the use of drugs for Covid, and is being sued by the Indian Bar Association over it.
Here’s a photo from Oxford:
Vietnam is a country where two other co-conspirators on the hydroxychloroquine suppression worked, too. All 3 had something to do with vaccine trials there. Hmmm.

When Dr. Martin Landray approached Jeremy Farrar about starting a large multicenter clinical trial in the UK, Farrar told him to talk to Horby. Landray did so, and Horby and Landray became the Principal Investigators for the Recovery trial. Landray was not in on the scheme to overdose patients with hydroxychloroquine, because when he was interviewed by FranceSoir, an online newspaper, he made several mistakes discussing the dose of hydroxychloroquine used. He simply had no idea about the overdoses. (FranceSoir knew.) Landray had been too busy to look up the dose, apparently, that he was responsible for giving to 1600 human guinea pigs.
Dr. Horby then attempted to give Landray cover in some tweets I read last May or June. Horby said France Soir did not transcribe what Landray said accurately. But France Soir had the recording, so that excuse didn’t fly. I blogged about this at the time.
FranceSoir further revealed how the two Recovery Principal Investigators went back and made changes to the trial documents to cover themselves.
Neither Landray nor Horby has so much as apologized for using borderline fatal doses in their subjects. Were the subjects’ families ever told? Probably not. This happened in the days when there was no visitation allowed in hospitals, and relatives of hospital patients usually had no idea about their treatments.
Horby is currently on the UK’s SAGE committee and is chairman of the NERVTAG committee in the UK, where he continues to exert major influence over the conduct of the pandemic response. Guess what? Two co-conspirators with Fauci/Farrar/Collins on those early February calls included Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Michael Ferguson, who both serve on SAGE along with Peter Horby, keeping the UK locked down as well as covered up.
Horby and Landray have been rewarded this week with special honours from Queen Elizabeth.
Peter Horby, Director of the Pandemic Sciences Centre, and Professor of Emerging and Infectious Diseases and Global Health, becomes a Knight Bachelor for services to Medical Research.
Martin Landray, Deputy Director of the Big Data Institute, and Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, becomes a Knight Bachelor for services to Science and Public Health.
When the news about the Recovery trial’s fatal doses came out (I learned it from others on twitter) the hydroxychloroquine arm of the trial quickly ended, and Landray and Horby simply said the drug didn’t work. They acknowledged that there were about 10-20% more deaths in the hydroxychloroquine arm than in the placebo (“usual care,” a.k.a. no drug treatment arm) but have never acknowledged any mistakes, let alone wrongdoing. Using the published Recovery trial statistics, there were about 60 excess deaths over placebo in the HCQ arm (of 400 total) that we can say were likely secondary to an HCQ overdose, and perhaps more if the HCQ benefited some of those who survived the high doses.
Peter Horby, a physician, worked in Vietnam and overlapped there with Farrar. Both should have known the proper dose of antimalarial drugs, since it is likely they used the drugs for themselves, or were involved in treating malaria. Or they may have used mefloquine, another antimalarial with anti-Covid effects, which was also being suppressed but got no press last year.
Rick Bright
The third interesting Vietnam connection is Rick Bright, PhD, the head of BARDA who worked with FDA to use the Emergency Use Authorization for donated Covid drugs in the National Strategic Stockpile as a means to interfere with doctors’ use of chloroquine drugs for patients. He made the mistake of bragging about this after Trump fired him, claiming that he had been responsible for saving the country from a dangerous drug that Trump had wanted used, and thereby incriminated himself.
Bright had worked in Vietnam, and therefore was probably very familiar with antimalarials; overlapped his time in Vietnam with Horby and Farrar in our cast of characters; and had the job of doling out $1.5 billion per year as head of BARDA. Bright had a critical role in suppressing the chloroquine drugs.
Bright was resurrected and made a member of the coronavirus task force by President-elect Biden last November. Like Daszak, Bright apparently knew his public criticisms of Trump were protected speech–protected by very powerful allies.
It is of great interest that Collins, Fauci, Farrar and Bright were all given the responsiblity to dole out huge pots of money. Rita Colwell, another Lancet letter signatory, had distributed huge amounts of federal largesse when she was Director of the National Science Foundation.
What is BARDA? It is a federal agency within DHHS:
“The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) provides an integrated, systematic approach to the development of the necessary vaccines, drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools for public health medical emergencies such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) accidents, incidents and attacks; pandemic influenza (PI), and emerging infectious diseases (EID).
Together with its industry partners, BARDA promotes the advanced development of medical countermeasures to protect Americans and respond to 21st century health security threats.”
Here is what Sir Jeremy Farrar said about testing new drugs at the onset of the Covid pandemic.
“…Investing now, at scale, at risk and as a collective global effort is vital if we are to change the course of this epidemic. We welcome others to join us in this effort.”
-Dr. Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome
And so the Covid Therapeutics Accelerator was begun, with core funding from :
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Wellcome Trust, and Mastercard.
All 3 played important roles in the shaping of the Covid response for their own benefit. Mastercard used it to advance digital money, since handling money allegedly exposed people to the virus. BMGF and Wellcome used their research funding to suppress useful drugs and prolong the pandemic, while using the opportunity to test new drugs and new drug platforms, like mRNA, in which they were invested.
The Covid Accelerator website is hosted by the BMGF. While this organization did fund some hydroxychloroquine trials, if memory serves, at least 2 were shut down before completion, including one at the University of Washington, which is practically a subsidiary of the BMGF. The early Henry Ford hospital trial, which showed great benefit from hydroxychloroquine, never got any traction, though the doctors involved tried hard to be heard.
The Bangkok-based, Oxford-funded MORU COPCOV trial was put on hold in May by the UK authorities (is this why Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, was brought in as a co-conspirator, to control the trials of beneficial drugs in the UK?) on the basis of the danger of hydroxychloroquine, even though only tiny prophylactic doses were being used. By May, apparently, the plan had changed, and the new goal was to shut down the hydroxychloroquine trials. While, on the other hand, some trials were set up under Wellcome and BMGF’s funding so their management and/or findings could be controlled.
The fabricated Lancet Surgisphere study, which claimed the chloroquine drugs killed, was published on May 22. Everyone has wondered how the Lancet could have published this obviously fabricated paper, but there has never been any explanation. Now, after the email revelations have emerged, I would bet money that Tony Fauci (shall we call him The Godfather of American medicine?) or Patrick Vallance made it happen.
Martin Landray was quoted in a BMJ article as saying the hydroxychloroquine doses in the clinical trial had been determined by Oxford professor, Bangkok-based Nicholas White, MD, an expert on malaria and its drugs, and principal investigator of the MORU COPCOV trial of HCQ for prophylaxis in medical workers. I think Landray was wrong. Nicholas White wrote a paper for the study that included detailed information on dosing of the chloroquine drugs, and nowhere did it recommend the excessive doses used in the Recovery trial.
However, epidemiologist modelers of malaria pharmacokinetics from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were involved in advising The World Health Organization on the drug doses used in the Solidarity trial. Not by chance did both Solidarity and Recovery trials use the identical excess dosing schedule. Not by chance was Sir Jeremy Farrar intimately involved in both trials.
After I learned of the excess doses of hydroxychloroquine being used in the Recovery Trial, I searched the net to see what the other multi center trials were doing. That is how I discovered that the REMAP-Covid and Solidarity trials were also using poisonous HCQ doses to treat Covid. I contacted The W.H.O. and the heads of the REMAP trial in mid June 2020 and suggested they could be personally liable if they had not disclosed the known danger of the HCQ doses they were giving subjects in their trials. Solidarity immediately ended its HCQ arm. I do not know when REMAP ended theirs.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Critiquing Nature and the Lancet over their disinformation, but making huge material omissions while doing so. Who is Ian Birrell?
Below are excerpts from a very interesting Unherd article by Ian Birrell, who previously wrote about the lab leak hypothesis when it was very difficult to get anything published on it. Birrell’s reportage is good, as far as it goes. But he lets Fauci, Farrar and Collins off the hook. He ponders whether Chinese money influenced the “debt-ridden” Nature publishing company. It surely could have.
But one should also be asking, why is the (formerly?) world’s top science magazine, Nature, the most important journal in the world in which to publish science, debt-ridden in the first place?
And Birrell deftly avoided the more obvious conclusion that if Farrar, Fauci and Collins probably came up with the idea and definitely helped craft the Nature Medicine paper to produce faulty scientific arguments against a lab leak, wouldn’t they have been the ones to place it in Nature Medicine, not China?
Birrell did something else strange. He notes that Farrar directed him to the Nature Medicine paper as the scientific basis for the natural origin claim. But he fails to mention that the Fauci emails now show that Farrar was involved in crafting that paper, and involved his employee Josie Golding, who also signed the Daszac-written March 7 Lancet Correspondence, in its crafting. Though not a coauthor, she was quoted in the press release the Scripps Institute issued about the paper. From the Fauci emails, we now know that Kristian Andersen, the first author, emailed Fauci, Farrar and Collins to thank them for their “advice and leadership” on the paper.
Thus this otherwise interesting article is a limited hangout. While criticizing Nature Medicine and the Lancet, and attempting to grab the high road, Ian Birrell reveals himself to be a purveyor of slanted news.
There are two other interesting things about Ian Birrell. He produced one of the earliest mainstream articles on the lab hypothesis with Alina Chan, back in February. In hindsight, were they being set up then as trusted sources if the lab hypothesis gained prominence?
But who is Ian Birrell? His earlier claim to fame was as a speechwriter for David Cameron. Everyone knows what that means. He was a professional crafter of lying narratives. This Unherd article is designed to blame China and misdirect away from the role of the US and UK’s top science funders: Fauci, Jeremy Farrar and Francis Collins.
There is another issue no one but me has mentioned yet. Scientific misconduct is a crime in the US. Here is the DHHS policy on research misconduct. Tony Fauci and Francis Collins may arguably be guilty of this crime. And others.
Below are some excerpts from Ian Birrell’s article:
… Nature Medicine, its sister publication, was also home for the second key commentary that set the tone in the scientific community after Daszak’s outing in The Lancet. “The proximal origin of Sars-CoV-2″ bluntly concluded that “we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible”. Critics pointed out it was questionable to claim there was any “evidence” proving that Sars-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus. Others noted that the statement mentions the mysterious furin cleavage site — which Nikolai Petrovksy drew attention to as allowing the spike protein to bind effectively to cells in human tissues yet which is not found in the most closely-related coronaviruses — but downplays its potential significance. The statement suggests “it is likely that Sars-CoV-2-like viruses with partial or full polybasic cleavage sites will be discovered in other species”. This has not happened so far.
This document — whose five signatories include one expert who was handed China’s top award for foreign scientists after nearly 20 years work there, and another who is a “guest professor” for the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention — has been accessed 5.4 million times and cited almost 1,500 times in other papers. It is so influential that when I emailed Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust and one of The Lancet signatories, to see if his stance remained the same, he pointed me to this paper that he called “the most important research on the genomic epidemiology of the origins of this virus”.
The lead author was Kristian Andersen, an immunologist at Scripps Research Institute in California who has been a very active voice on social media condemning the lab leak theory and confronting its proponents. Yet the recent release of emails to Anthony Fauci exposed that Andersen had previously admitted to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director that the virus had unusual features that “(potentially) look engineered” and which are “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory”. He claimed last week the discussion was “clear example of the scientific process” but as another top scientist said to me: “What a smoking gun!”. Now Anderson’s twitter account has suddenly disappeared…
[According to Rutgers professor Richard Ebright,] “Nature and The Lancet played important roles in enabling, encouraging, and enforcing the false narrative that science evidence indicates Sars-CoV-2 had a natural-spillover origin points and the false narrative that this was the scientific consensus”.
Or as another well-placed observer put it: “The game seems to be for Nature and The Lancet to rush non-peer revised correspondences to set the tone and then delay critical papers and responses.”
But why would they do this? This is where things become even murkier. Allegations swirl that it was not down to editorial misjudgement, but something more sinister: a desire to appease China for commercial reasons…
UPDATE June 13: Ian Birrell writes about Jeremy Farrar for the Daily Mail. While the article does not explore anything about the reasons Farrar joined and is central to the coverup of lab origin, as far as I can tell, Birrell himself is not creating a false narrative in this piece. A limited hangout, probably, but Birrell is probably trying to rehabilitate himself with some unsalted writing.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Don’t you love it when 2 of the co-conspirators I have named separately, now link themselves together by coauthoring in Foreign Affairs, URL below:
The Forever Virus
Foreign Affairs is the establishment’s journal. Today it is being used for the purpose of cementing in place one false narrative after the other about Covid, while making the (seemingly humanitarian) case for spending lots more money for the US and world response to Covid. And they make sure to push the threat of future pandemics.
Why did I read this article? Because two of the people in my cast of Covid conspirators (see 9 blog posts written starting June 3) are co-authors. What are their themes?
First, Americans should not relax about Covid. (Ignore that man behind the curtain at the NYT telling us that there are fewer new US cases and deaths than at any time since March of 2020.) Covid will never leave the planet, so get used to it (although SARS-1 disappeared, which they don’t mention). Worry about variants. Herd immunity is a myth.
Second, we need to strengthen all the things that in fact turned out to be useless measures during the pandemic, and keep doing them but on an even larger scale.
Third, zero Covid is a myth, because animal reservoirs exist, so even:
if every human on the planet were vaccinated tomorrow, SARS-CoV-2 would still live on in multiple animal species, including monkeys, cats, and deer.
Yet, they also say the US should try to achieve zero Covid. (Internal consistency is not this article’s strong point.)
Fourth, even though in one part of the article (see below) the authors deny meaningful immunity in the recovered, an another part they acknowledge that prior infection does give immunity, negating the need for vaccination:
As of May, barely half of the country was fully immunized. Even allowing for those with natural immunity from prior infection, that leaves about 125 million Americans susceptible to COVID-19.
Fifth, wouldn’t you know it, they want newer and more vaccines.
Everyone should be grateful for the remarkable vaccines that won the race to be first. But the United States and other wealthy countries must nonetheless invest in the next generation of COVID-19 vaccines.
Who are these authors? Ian Lipkin, MD, is a coauthor of the Nature Medicine Correspondence that we now know Fauci, Farrar and Collins ushered into being, to use “science” to enforce the natural origins theory. Except that paper was an illogical load of hogwash. I said the paper was so bad that there must have been a hidden hand behind its creation when interviewed in the movie Pandemic 2: Indoctornation. Lipkin was happy to sign on to the illogical Nature Medicine article, and seems equally happy to sign on to this article, despite its internal contradictions.
Rick Bright, the former head of BARDA, who conspired with the FDA to prevent the use of hydroxychloroquine against Covid in the US, is another author. He had the temerity to brag about it, after Trump fired him. He probably knew Jeremy Farrar (a co-conspirator on the Nature Medicine article with Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins) from Vietnam, where both had previously worked. Then Farrar and Bright went home and got jobs doling out huge pots of money. Bright had a $1.5 billion dollar budget as head of BARDA (aka Biodefense’s NIAID), and Jeremy Farrar, MD, as head of the Wellcome Trust, probably doled out a similar amount yearly. And now, Bright works as a Senior VP at the Rockefeller Foundation, doling out yet more pots of money.
Both Jeremy Farrar and Rick Bright played key roles in suppressing the chloroquine drugs for use against Covid. And now Bright has coauthored this with Ian Lipkin, one of the people Fauci, Farrar and Collins brought in to coauthor the bogus article in Nature Medicine to “prove” the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2. And this article suppresses drug treatments by claiming they were shown to be ineffective.
Larry Brilliant, MD is another author of this article. He too is a guy who had jobs giving out lots of money. He was the founding director of, Google’s charitable foundation, then President of the Skoll Foundation. He has led an interesting life, going from doctor to spiritual seeker in India with Baba Ram Das to high tech entrepreneur and philanthropist.
Why are they writing this?
1. To plant the narrative that Covid is not going away. Continue being fearful.
2. To continue to suppress the use of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other “repurposed” drugs that are in fact highly effective against Covid.
3. To push the myth that immunity after infection is NOT reliable:
The pandemic is in many ways a story of magical thinking… governments imagined… that existing drugs could be repurposed to mitigate the disease, and that natural infection would result in durable immunity—all assumptions that proved wrong.
4. To legitimize and get more money for the public health establishment:
The international system for responding to pandemics must also be repaired. As the current crisis has laid bare, that system is dangerously underfunded, slow, and vulnerable to political interference. In a time of rising nationalism, countries need to find a way to work together to reform the global public health institutions that will be responsible for waging this long fight against COVID-19. These bodies must be protected and empowered so that they can work faster than they have.
5. To repeat the Daszak/Fauci meme that humans need to change the way we live, while their argument falls apart when you admit the virus came from a lab and not bat soup:
Sustaining our way of life thus requires deep changes in the way we interact with the natural world
Why do I keep talking about the narratives spun by the co-conspirators I name? Because they have all been reading off the same script. I think the plan is to use these narratives to drive big changes in our way of life. They have done so successfully for the past 15 months. Before we let these malefactors drive us over a cliff, their stories need to be carefully analyzed.
LARRY BRILLIANT is an epidemiologist, CEO of Pandefense Advisory, a firm that helps organizations respond to COVID-19, and Senior Counselor at the Skoll Foundation.
LISA DANZIG is an infectious disease physician, a vaccine expert, and an Adviser at Pandefense Advisory.
KAREN OPPENHEIMER is a global health strategy and operations adviser and a Principal at Pandefense Advisory.
AGASTYA MONDAL is a doctoral student in epidemiology and computational biology at the University of California, Berkeley.
Rick Bright is Senior Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation and former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Preparedness and Response.
W. IAN LIPKIN is Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity and John Snow Professor of Epidemiology at Columbia University, Founding Director of the Global Alliance for Preventing Pandemics, and an Adviser at Pandefense Advisory.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Jeremy’s Early Coronavirus Warning That Woke Up Wall Street/ WSJ
The Early Coronavirus Warning That Woke Up Wall Street
Before Covid-19 upended American life, the head of a $33 billion U.K. foundation told a collection of money managers how bad it was going to get. The alarm spread through the worlds of finance and business.

The warning was stark.
It was late January, and there were just six known cases of Covid-19 in the U.S. A leading infectious disease specialist who previously had battled Ebola and SARS had an alarming message for a group of money managers: It was about to get a lot worse.
“In the 20 or 30 years I’ve been involved in emerging infections,” Jeremy Farrar told the managers on the January 31 call, “I’ve never seen anything that has been as fast or as rapidly moving and dynamic as this has been.”
The director of the Wellcome Trust, a U.K. health foundation, followed that up with an estimate on a February call that deaths in the U.S. related to the spread of the new coronavirus could reach between 500,000 to 1 million within a year assuming there were no lockdowns or other restrictions.
The calls held for managers of Wellcome’s $33 billion endowment served as one of the earliest known warnings to investors about the coming impact of a disease for which humanity had no immunity. The information spread like a kind of samizdat among certain quarters of Wall Street, and beyond. Those who took heed of the predictions from Dr. Farrar, an adviser to the U.K. and German governments on the virus, spread the word to friends and family and took steps to try to protect their investments from the virus’ fallout…
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Christian Drosten: coconspirator with Fauci/Collins/Farrar; he’s Germany’s Dr. Fauci,; he’s a Lancet letter signer; and he created the world’s first big PCR test for Covid
Christian Drosten, a German virologist and wunderkind, signed the (lab origin coverup) Lancet letter, and designed the PCR test for Covid that has been touted by the WHO and used around the world. His PCR test has been challenged by European scientists and physicians. His PhD is said by some to have been faked.
How, then, did he become a full professor at the University of Bonn and, at 35, head of the Institute of Virology at Charite Hospital?
Drosten, from Germany, was pulled in on the coverup. Was this because his PCR test was already part of an unsavory conspiracy? He was trusted, and he had a role. We don’t know what it is, yet.
My guess is that during the weekend of February 1, the Lancet correspondence, the Nature Medicine correspondence and the National Academy of Sciences letter were planned together as the solution to the coverup by Fauci/Farrar/Collins. They had a cadre of trusted operatives, and called them in to help. Perhaps they already had a disreputable history together, in which the code of Omerta functioned.
We do not know who gives Fauci, Farrar and Collins their orders.
In 2020, Drosten became the face of Covid in Germany in the same way Fauci became the face of the pandemic in the US. According to an April 2020 puff piece in Science magazine,
Drosten’s podcast has given him real influence, says Marcel Fratzscher, head of DIW Berlin, an economic research institute. “At this point, if Drosten says it is too early [to open up], that carries as much weight as Merkel saying it.”
The Science article also said,
“But Drosten wants his research to save lives. Large cardboard boxes in his office hold supplies of two medicines waiting to be tried in the clinic. One is camostat mesylate, a pancreatitis drug approved in Japan that Drosten and others found can prevent both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 from entering cells. The other drug is niclosamide, used to treat tapeworms and other parasites. In a paper posted on the preprint server bioRxiv this month, Drosten’s colleague Marcel Müller showed that SARS-CoV-2 interferes with the cellular recycling process called autophagy. It’s unclear how exactly that benefits the virus, but niclosamide counters the interference. Treatment with the compound reduced SARS-CoV-2’s growth in cell culture by 70%, the authors write. Drosten hopes to start to enroll patients soon in a trial to test a combination of the two drugs.”
This paragraph enables me to transition to a very important point that I have not seen anyone else write about. I am talking about the tremendous benefit conveyed by the pandemic to the drug/vaccine research enterprise. Normally it costs many millions of dollars to test one drug–perhaps over a billion if it is a new chemical entity.
But, as long as you can pretend that there are no effective drugs to treat Covid, you can keep testing drugs on human beings. That is why the Recovery and Solidarity trials continue to enroll hapless subjects, instead of treating them with drugs that actually cure the disease.
Here is Drosten, with cartons of two old drugs he wants to test in humans, one of which was only 70% effective at killing virus in the lab. Why not use a drug like ivermectin that is practically 100% effective at killing virus? It would be both unethical and very expensive to test drugs outside the pandemic if it were admitted that a Covid treatment already existed.
But if you pretend there are no effective treatments, the treatment trials for Covid turn into charity affairs. Very little data are collected, so the investigators cannot be shown to have harmed the patients. But sufficient data are collected for a future regulatory review.
I wrote about this with respect to the Solidarity trial in my long article on the hydroxychloroquine false narrative. Countries donate tax dollars, and charitable institutions donate, and a variety of drugs can be tested. It doesn’t seem to matter that almost all fail to cure the patient. The failures keep the pandemic fear going. Testing is likely being done to gather human data for possible future uses of these drugs, perhaps for a completely different purpose. Drug companies own most of the patents.
On the other hand, there also may be a role for these trials as a delaying action… slow-rolling a response until vaccines or whatever are available.
So how do these drug trials help the pandemic purveyors?
They keep the public terrified over the lack of a cure, despite trying so many possibilities
They delay the end of the pandemic
They test drugs for the pharmaceutical industry and its minions at taxpayer expense
The trials are conducted more rapidly than normal, because a large number of centers enroll patients, who agree to be experimental subjects because they are conned into thinking it’s for the good of humanity
Probably there are enormous kickbacks involved
The wunderkind Drosten appears to be in the thick of the coverup. Had a Covid cure been acknowledged, he would have lost the opportunity to do the drug trials on sick human guinea pigs. And many fewer people would be using his PCR test.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
The real conspirators who lied about Covid’s origin, funded fraudulent trials of therapeutics, and controlled the Covid pandemic are the top public health leaders
In very early 2020 there was a lot of chatter about where the virus, later named SARS-CoV-2, actually came from. In an excellent, detailed article for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade describes how two short pieces published in The Lancet and Nature Medicine in Feb-March 2020 determined how this chatter would be channeled.
These two extraordinarily influential pieces, each simply titled as a “Correspondence,” were parroted by the mainstream media for a year. Each was plainly intended to shut down any discussion of a possible lab origin.
I happened to read both Correspondences in March 2020 and it was immediately apparent to me that each was designed as a propaganda tool. Neither had anything to do with science. In fact, the Andersen et al. Correspondence in Nature Medicine butchered the science. Each had an unusual concatenation of authors.
I was so intrigued by these articles that I kept searching the net to understand them, and discovered that Francis Collins, the NIH Director, had blogged on March 26 about the Nature Medicine Correspondence, suggesting it should put an end to conspiracy theories about lab origin.
I further found a February 6 letter from the 3 heads of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NAS) to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, to “help elucidate the origin and evolution” of SARS-CoV-2. This letter had been referred to by the Lancet Correspondence authors. But it had not yet been published when the Lancet correspondence was written, suggesting again some mutual effort involving the authors of this letter (the heads of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine) and the Lancet Correspondence authors.
But there exists an older email trove obtained by US Right to Know. In it, we find discussions among all the footnoted “consultants” to the National Academies regarding the wording of the letter which was to be signed by the National Academies’ leadership and sent to the White House office of science and technology policy. It seems that Peter Daszak was able to refer to this letter in the Lancet letter because (we now know) he was an author of both! This shows that Daszak had a central role, as early as February 4, in constraining the origin investigation. Also note that “consultant” Ralph Baric, Shi-Zheng Li’s closest US collaborator, took an active role in crafting the NAS letter.
I wondered why 5 otherwise credible (at least I thought they were at the time) scientists would sign their names to the Andersen et al. Nature Medicine Correspondence, when the arguments made in the paper were nonsensical. I concluded that they had been put up to it by a ‘hidden hand,’ and when I was interviewed for the film that became Plandemic 2: Indoctornation last June I said so. (The film has been banned and shadowbanned, as have many of my writings, so it is impossible to find using google or a standard search engine. Here it is on Bitchute, using the Ecosia search engine.)
Months ago, in another email drop obtained by US Right to Know, we learned that Peter Daszak, CEO of the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, was the primary but hidden author of the Lancet Correspondence. He was also its primary beneficiary, since his organization had been used as the pass through to send money from the NIAID to the Wuhan coronavirus lab. (Some might consider this method of giving out grants as a fancy way of money laundering.) Daszak, like Fauci (who is the highest earner in the entire federal government) earned over $400,000/year. Daszak was also a member of the WHO Covid origins investigative team, and had been selected as the head of the Lancet Covid origins investigative task force. Six original members of the Lancet investigative task force (formed in late 2020) were co-signers of the February Lancet Correspondence described above. The WHO and the Lancet thus seem to be additional co-conspirators, choosing the fox (Daszak) to guard the henhouse (the natural origin theory of Covid).
Last year, after learning how NIH funded Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance to transfer money to Wuhan, the Trump administration, through the NIH, pulled one of Daszak’s grants. Daszak responded very rudely to the President, although I am having trouble finding the quotes now. At the time, I wondered how he could be so brazen. But in no time at all, 77 US Nobel laureates in science signed a letter to the NIH demanding Daszak get his grant back. And in August, the NIH awarded Daszak a huge new grant. It seems Daszak knew his protectors were more powerful than the President.
Peter Daszak pushed a theory last year, over and over, that human interactions with wildlife, in nature, are the cause of pandemics. Let me make clear, this theory has not been established. One of Daszak’s articles, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on April 2, 2020, claimed,
“We must realize that in our crowded world of 7.8 billion people, a combination of altered human behaviors, environmental changes and inadequate global public health mechanisms now easily turn obscure animal viruses into existential human threats. We have created a global, human-dominated ecosystem that serves as a playground for the emergency and host-switching of animal viruses…”
Daszak’s coauthors were two of Fauci’s top lieutenants. The newly released emails show that Daszak invited Fauci to be a coauthor, but Fauci declined, which suggests Daszak was primarily responsible for the NEJM paper.
Tony Fauci pushed the same claim about humans being the cause of pandemics, in the conclusion to an article he wrote in Cell last year:
Evidence suggests that SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 are only the latest examples of a deadly barrage of coming coronavirus and other emergences. The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another reminder, added to the rapidly growing archive of historical reminders, that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences. We remain at risk for the foreseeable future. COVID-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature, even as we plan for nature’s inevitable, and always unexpected, surprises.
What were Fauci and Daszak getting at? Why were they telling the same false tale?
Today, I was sent a link by a reader (thanks!!!) to a specific one of Fauci’s emails, and the mystery of why 5 well known scientists coauthored drivel, which the venerable Nature Medicine journal published, was solved.
In fact, the emails reveal that Kristian Andersen (first author of the Nature Medicine article discussed above) wrote to Fauci on January 31, informing him that Andersen and colleagues had found unusual features of the coronavirus, which “(potentially) look engineered.”
Chris Martenson has uncovered some additional Fauci emails here (please watch, and I will connect more of the dots he found later) and he shows how a flurry of activity ensued. This involved Fauci, Francis Collins and Jeremy Farrar as the ringleaders, and–presto–in a week the preprint of the Nature Medicine paper was online.
On March 6 Andersen sent another email to Fauci, Francis Collins and Jeremy Farrar, thanking them for their “advice and leadership” on the paper that was about to be published in print form in Nature Medicine. This paper drew the opposite conclusion to his end January email, claiming the virus could not have been engineered.
This paper was then used as the foundation stone for the claim of Covid’s natural origin. Here’s the March 6 email:
The first author of the Nature Medicine paper (Andersen) thanks 3 incredibly important people for their “advice and leadership” regarding the paper. All 3 are MD researchers, and they dole out more money for medical research than anyone else in the world, perhaps excepting Bill Gates. Fauci runs the NIAID; Collins is the NIH Director (nominally Fauci’s boss) and Sir Jeremy Farrar is the director of the Wellcome Trust. Sir Jeremy also signed the Lancet letter. And he is the Chair of the World Health Organization R&D Blueprint Scientific Advisory Group, which put him in the driver’s seat of the WHO’s Solidarity trial, in which 1000 unwitting subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine in order to sink the use of the drug for Covid. Jeremy had worked in Vietnam, where there was lots of malaria, and he had also been involved with SARS-1 there. He additionally was central in setting up the UK Recovery trial, where 1600 subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine. I think he had some idea of the proper dose of the chloroquine drugs from his experience in Vietnam. But even if he didn’t, Farrar, Fauci and Collins would have learned about such overdoses after Brazil told the world about how they mistakenly overdosed patients in a trial of chloroquine for Covid, published in the JAMA in mid April 2020. Thirty-nine percent of the subjects in Brazil who were given high doses of chloroquine died, average age 50.
Yet the Solidarity and Recovery hydroxychloroquine trials continued into June, stopping only after their extreme doses were exposed.
Fauci made sure to control the treatment guidelines for Covid that came out of the NIAID, advising against both chloroquine drugs and ivermectin. Fauci’s NIAID also cancelled the first large-scale trial of hydroxychlorquine treatment in early disease, after only 20 of the expected 2,000 subjects were enrolled.
What does all this mean?
1. There was a conspiracy between the five authors of the Nature Medicine paper and the heads of the NIH, NIAID and Wellcome Trust to cover up the lab origin of Covid.
2. There was a conspiracy involving Peter Daszak, Tony Fauci and others to push the natural origin theory.
(See other emails in the recent drop.) Fauci more than replaced the money Trump clawed back from Daszak.
3. There was a conspiracy involving Daszak to write the Lancet letter and hide its provenance, to push the natural origin theory and paint any other ideas as conspiracy theory. Collin’s blog post is another piece of this story. Daszak also helped write the NAS letter advising how to investigate Covid’s origin.
4. Farrar was intimately involved in both large HCQ overdose trials (in which about 500 subjects total died).
5. Farrar, Fauci and Collins controlled research funds that could have supported quality trials of the use of chloroquines and ivermectin and other repurposed drugs that might have turned around the pandemic.
6. Are the 4 individuals named here intimately involved in the creation of the pandemic, as well as the coverup, prolongation and improper treatments used during the pandemic?
7. The Lancet and Nature Medicine are co-conspirators. See Prof. Jacques van Helden’s interview on the Lancet.
Below are my two early posts on this subject from March and April 2020, and a snippet from the Lancet Correspondence, with a list of signatories.
Dan Sirotkin noticed the Nature Medicine article before I did, and wrote lucidly about it. I did not see his article until after I too had written about it.
published online February 19, 2020
CORRESPONDENCE| VOLUME 395, ISSUE 10226, E42-E43, MARCH 07, 2020
Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19
Charles Calisher—arbovirus expert, Daszak and Ian Lipkin associate, accused by Cuba of playing a role in their Dengue epidemics
Dennis Carroll—Daszac associate, former CDC, Global Virome Project head
Rita Colwell—former head of NSF, Daszak associate
Ronald B Corley—microbiology dept chair at BU’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases biolab
Christian Drosten—Faked PhD? The face of COVID in Germany, on the call with Fauci, Collins, Farrar
Hume Field—Daszak associate
Josie Golding (she is cited in the Scripps press release about the Nature Medicine paper)
James M Hughes—on EcoHealth Board, involved in OheHealth
William B Karesh—Daszak associate
Gerald T Keusch—author with Saif of “Pandemic origins and a One Health approach to preparedness and prevention”
Larry Madoff—ProMed
Jonna Mazet—Daszak associate, big $ for viral surveillance, UC Davis
Stanley Perlman—VRBPAC member
Linda Saif—Daszak associate
Kanta Subbarao—VRBPAC advisor
… The rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins. We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes of the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife, as have so many other emerging pathogens. This is further supported by a letter from the presidents of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and by the scientific communities they represent. Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus.