I’m live-blogging the CDC’s vaccine advisory committee’s meeting today through Friday, Feb. 24, starting at 8 am ET
MANY vaccines are being discussed. Friday is COVID vaccine day.
A few notes from today’s ACIP meeting
Today we learned that although Monkeypox is over ($Moneypox, or myocarditispox) with only 1 or 2 new cases per week in the US, CDC will not let it go. CDC has deputized other public health agencies to call a monkeypox outbreak for ONE case, if they want. Therefore, as defined by CDC and its grantees, the Monkeypox emergency is not over.
By the way, it is now named Mpox, so as not to stigmatize the bankers and pharma manufacturers when it is called $Moneypox.
So CDC can keep those vaccinations going. Furthermore, it can keep the EUA going, so the cases of myocarditis and other serious side effects will be ignored—since there is no one to sue. BTW, there are 2 deaths in VAERS reported for the Moneypox vaccine. CDC said they were really due to drowning and cocaine. Hard to get to the truth when CDC owns the data, and prove which one is telling the truth.
Pfizer is closing in on a new Prevnar20 vaccine, designed to keep its Merck competitor, the PCV15 vaccine, from gobbling up market share from Pfizer’s old PCV13 vaccine.
PCV13 and/or PCV15 require 4 doses per baby by 15 months of age—and with a retail price of $226 per dose, or $904 for the course… well, you add up what Pfizer makes on 4 million US babies born each year. Then consider the babies born elsewhere.
Pfizer seems to think the FDA won’t require evidence of efficacy, safety or effectiveness for its PCV20 candidate—as it provided none to CDC today. Pfizer expects a licensing decision in April. 4.5% of the babies who received PCV20 in Pfizer’s trial had a serious side effect. But don’t worry, Pfizer’s vaccine monitors judged they were not due to the vaccine.
Flu came and went. This was an extremely early flu season. Fewer pediatric deaths occurred with influenza than used to in the years before the pandemic, as well as counted during the last two pandemic flu seasons. (Probably any that did occur were ascribed to COVID.) Adult flu deaths this season were not even mentioned, so there must have been very few of them.