Arbitrary and capricious. Delicious.
Staten Island judge sends the unvaxxed back to work with BACK PAY.
The judge pointed out that the NYC mayor, Eric Adams, was not applying his vaccine mandate rules equally to all; for instance, VIPs such as artists and sports stars did not need the vax, but city workers did.
In case you missed it, NYFD workers blocked the Brooklyn Bridge last week over the mandate. The winning case was brought by 16 sanitation workers, but the ruling applies to ALL municipal workers including police, fire, sanitation and some others, though teachers were not mentioned.
Arbitrary and Capricious edicts that single out certain groups but not others are verboten, according to the judge. And NYC will be hit badly in the pocketbook, which is always the trigger for change.
I cannot wait to bring the Maine Medical Board staff and members into court where they are likely to learn firsthand about the legal phrase “arbitrary and capricious.”
I especially can’t wait to see the look on Nancy Drew’s face (Renee Faye-Leblanc) as we discuss her arbitrary and capricious presentation of my case to the rest of the board, and the congratulatory emails between her and Board Executive Director Dennis Smith, an attorney, over what a good job she did lying to the rest of the Members. Then there are the arbitrary and capricious grounds left to justify continued suspension of my license.
Nancy Drew had the temerity to imply I doctored my records. I guess it didn’t occur to the sleuth (she is no Columbo) that had I done so, wouldn’t I have made them look perfect so the Board could not get up on its high heels to tar and feather me over post-it notes?
My attorney and I feel we have gotten everything we wanted into the record, and, given a fair and unbiased jury, the outcome would be indisputable.
Strange that the video kept cutting out for the audience, though it was fine for my lawyer and me and apparently for all the participants. Tim Terranova, Board staff, was managing the video feed.
Next hearing date is scheduled for Jan 31, 2023, by which time the Board will owe me a year’s income and a new reputation. What will they owe the COVID patients who could not find treatment?
By the way, I wonder if the AAG Stiegelman either has his two other prosecuting AAGs whispering in his ear, under his headphones, or typing messages to him, based on his eye movements and expressions as the hearing unfolded.
One more thing: I told Dr. Waddell I had met one of his relatives last week, and he said ‘no, you didn’t.’ Well, I was in Orlando last week at the FLCCC meeting, where the professed in-law of Dr. Waddell introduced herself to me. Why did he accuse me of lying? What happened to the kindness of doctors?