Essential New Year Gear/ Anne Can’t Stand It
Educational cartoons to beat the Great Reset
Educational cartoons to beat the Great Reset
It is critical to beat this, or we will be toast. Possibly behind a paywall, so I'm providing the full article, for which Shellenberger also made a video.
It is critical to beat this, or we will be toast. Possibly behind a paywall, so I’m providing the full article, for which Shellenberger also made a video.
I have reprised a similar post below. Then I show you what Twitter did
I have reprised a similar post below. Then I show you what Twitter did
Yet another scheme to create further indebtedness and create massive new financial products. a) How do we stop climate change? b) How do we learn how much is due to weather warfare?
Yet another scheme to create further indebtedness and create massive new financial products. a) How do we stop climate change? b) How do we learn how much is due to weather warfare?
Below: my early 2020 articles that identified the Nature Medicine article as a coverup as soon as I read it. Why were all the other scientists silent? Maybe because they too fed at Fauci's trough?
Below: my early 2020 articles that identified the Nature Medicine article as a coverup as soon as I read it. Why were all the other scientists silent? Maybe because they too fed at Fauci’s trough?
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