Essential New Year Gear/ Anne Can’t Stand It
Educational cartoons to beat the Great Reset
Educational cartoons to beat the Great Reset
Rubberstamp the rollout of some terrible products, genuflecting to their betters, while putting their careers in jeopardy if the safety issues become known
Rubberstamp the rollout of some terrible products, genuflecting to their betters, while putting their careers in jeopardy if the safety issues become known
Bobby broke into the MSM--this is from the Baltimore Sun!
Bobby broke into the MSM–this is from the Baltimore Sun!
Using the same methods we used to push back the WHO we will turn back the attack on food and agriculture
Using the same methods we used to push back the WHO we will turn back the attack on food and agriculture
The major theme is how all the attacks are interconnected, with a goal of confusing us, separating us, injuring us and stealing from us
The major theme is how all the attacks are interconnected, with a goal of confusing us, separating us, injuring us and stealing from us
Cluck Cluck. h/t to Barbara Honegger
Cluck Cluck. h/t to Barbara Honegger
A big step toward a clean election. NYT unhappy. There would be machine ballots and paper ballots. Let's hope the twain shall meet.
A big step toward a clean election. NYT unhappy. There would be machine ballots and paper ballots. Let’s hope the twain shall meet.