Maine’s PBS station hasn’t gotten the message that it is publicly funded yet. It is still trying to tar me and sink RFK’s nomination.
Steve Mistler has written about half a dozen hit pieces about me. This one repeats old info, is designed to influence Senator Collins to vote against Kennedy
I was astonished at first when I learned that my admission that I was forced to lie to a pharmacist because the state government was illegally scaring pharmacists from dispensing drugs for COVID—which should have made people perk up their ears—was used to turn me into a braggart and attention seeker!
I risked my medical license—and lost it—in part because of this, but Steve Mistler and the medical board figured out a way to turn this action, which I took with trepidation, against me. Don’t look at the illicit act by state government to kill Mainers by withholding medications—no, look at this crazy Doctor who lies and brags about it.
Steve is at it again. SSDD. But Steve, you just might have to face the music regarding your special, biased brand of journalism:

Here are some snippets of Steve’s worst, published yesterday. My license has now been suspended for 37 months.

Kennedy’s discussion with Nass is just one example of how his views have taken root among some in Maine. It also helps explain why Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins’ upcoming vote on whether to confirm Kennedy as head of the Department of Health and Human Services is getting so much scrutiny.
During the pandemic, the Maine State House saw multiple protests charged with similar anti-vaccine rhetoric. Some Republican state lawmakers have been receptive, too. They have submitted bills to repeal vaccine requirements for most schoolkids, even though 70% of voters rejected the idea at the ballot box in 2020.
Nass has testified on some of those bills. She is affiliated with the Maine and New England chapter of Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense and recently signed a letter endorsing Kennedy to lead HHS, a sprawling department with a budget of $1.7 trillion. Among HHS’ primary responsibilities is the oversight of vaccine research, approval and recommendation.
Kennedy could helm that agency as soon as next week if confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Last week he narrowly cleared the Senate Finance Committee, 14-13, after convincing Republican U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, a doctor and vaccine supporter, that he wouldn’t scuttle the nation’s childhood vaccination program…
While facing licensing board scrutiny, Nass participated in an information session with lawmakers in the Maine Legislature and boasted that she had lied to a pharmacist to fulfill a prescription of hydroxychloroquine for a COVID patient.
“And so I lied and said the patient had Lyme disease, which is another legitimate reason to get this drug,” Nass told state lawmakers. “And so the pharmacist dispensed the medication only because I lied. If I had said the patient was getting it for COVID, they would not have received the drug.”…
Collins, a potential swing vote to confirm or deny Kennedy, did not push him further to explain why he had contributed to that mistrust. She has not yet said how she’ll vote when the Senate moves to confirm him.