Virginia’s Attorney General issues Opinion that public universities do NOT have the authority to demand COVID vaccinations of students
Hallelujah! There are many state entities that are acting as if they have authorities which were never granted to them. They simply usurped the authority and hoped no one would burst their expanding bubble. Well, the AG in this newly-Republican state told the public universities to go pound sand.
Why does anyone think it is okay to force Americans, especially children, to receive experimental inoculations, whenever they say so? It is against the law to force people into an experiment. It is against the law to withhold informed consent. Why do so many bigwigs, like college presidents, think that is okay?
Here is the 3 page Virginia AG’s opinion:
How about more extreme serious sickness from made variants from labs resolve only with latest injections even with major serious side effects for bulk of ~7 billion persons as only viable form of treatment available for most?