Our new organization: DOORtoFREEDOM.org rolls out today. Yay! And my interviews with Mercola, Roguski and Corbett on the WHO and global takeover are out now too.

have gained nearly 200 paid substack subscribers since June 1. All my substack
funds will go toward our expenses. Thanks to others who contributed
without even being asked!

Bookmark DoortoFreedom.org

has applied for 501c3 status as an educational organization sharing
information about the WHO and UN power grabs, and any other attempts at
global governance by elites. The global biosecurity agenda is central
to the plan.

made a choice to go live with it today because my interview with Dr.
Joe Mercola about the WHO went live today, and he has about a million
subscribers. We felt we needed to have our website up for viewers by
today. But the website is by no means finished yet!

Please come back again and again, as we will be uploading new content all the time.

are also concerned by many rapid changes in society and will cover them
as well. We believe the WHO power grab, digital ID/vaccine passports,
gender confusion, transhumanism, the attacks on cash, food and
agriculture and many other efforts are all part of the same plan to
usher in a Great Reset: with a reduced standard of living, broad
surveillance and extreme control.

What you will find today are
twenty-five 2 minute reads that explain most of the topics shaking up
our world today. Our goal is to make our site accessible and readable
for everyone, giving basic, bite-sized articles as well as longer
articles one could chew over. We currently have posted a small
selection of longer articles, videos, pdfs and audiofiles.

The site is under construction. We hope to have it filled with dozens or hundreds of important articles by September 1. We need your help curating the best,  fact-based articles.

the site has been entirely built out, we will create a coalition of
organizations that will work together to identify and carry out actions
to help politicians and the public learn what is happening and fight
back. By then we will also have created a 501c4 to permit lobbying if
needed, so we can take actions that may be off limits to tax exempt

Here is a tickler —our home page. Try out the site and let us know what you think.

My hour with James Corbett and Janes Roguski aired yesterday on CHD-TV,
as we spoke about the WHO and the global biosecurity agenda that is
already being built out with funds borrowed on the backs of the
taxpayers, creating a massive debt trap that will come back to bite us
in future. Things are advancing quickly in Europe.

My interview with Dr. Mercola is Here to read and watch for the next 48 hours.

After 48 hours, my interview with Joe Mercola will be Here
to print or download, because his articles are removed from open access
and placed in his Censored Library after 48 hours, to which you can
subscribe. We discuss the way the biosecurity agenda and WHO are being
used to take over sovereignty of the entire world. Don’t miss it!

Below is just a screenshot of the video; you can only watch it Here.

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