Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s chief doctor, says children of any age can provide their own consent. Here come jabs in schools without parental consent.

In fact, the politicians have worked on this for years, and enshrined it in legislation, she says.

Watch her talk about it.

“Bonnie J. Fraser Henry OBC FRCPC is a Canadian physician who is the Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia, the first woman in this position. Henry is also a clinical associate professor at the University of British Columbia. She was a family doctor and is a specialist in public health and preventive medicine.”

Looks like you can garner lots of awards when your heart is a stone, Bonnie. 

And, like Presidential wannabe Governor Cuomo, she even had time to write a book about her leadership in the pandemic, titled Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe. Do these people know what they are, or are they high on their own supply?

Here someone collected her telling the truth about masks last year and flip-flopping later:

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