Let the board go on a wild goose chase. I got flowers yesterday.

Since Ebola first was identified in 1976, there have been at least a dozen outbreaks and at least 5 strains have been identified. Serologic tests for Ebola have been available since 1977. The US did not ignore Ebola. It posed a threat as a natural illness, and posed a different threat as a potential biological…
https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/the-war-on-reality-gutentag The War on Reality As the mainstream narrative about the origin of COVID-19 falls apart, it’s time to put other widely accepted facts about the virus—and the devastating measures they were used to justify—under the same scrutiny
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/dube-update-health-services-plan-1.6208975 The article claims 93% are fully vaccinated. I am skeptical of that number. I doubt that would lead to a staffing crisis. I could be wrong. My guess is 20-30%–Nass Quebec delays vaccine mandate for health-care workers by one month, fearing staffing crisis Risk of staff shortages ‘too high,’ health minister says, as deadline…
TABLE 1. Estimated vaccination coverage* for MMR, DTaP, and varicella vaccines among children enrolled in kindergarten, by vaccine and immunization program — United States and territories, 2017–18 school year Immunization program Kindergarten population† No. (%) surveyed Type of survey conducted§ Local data available online¶ MMR** DTaP†† Varicella 2 doses (%) 4 or 5 doses (%)…
by: Paul Sullivan and Anthony Hardie, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed. Excerpts follow: Last week, the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) officially recognized several diseases as linked with deployment to the 1991 Gulf War… As Gulf War veterans, we applaud the VA’s proposed new regulations that streamline access to…
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