And now the feds are taking over the distribution of monocloncal antibodies

From the WaPo we learn there is a shortage of monoclonal antibodies, so the feds will take over distribution.  Hmm.  We don’t know anything about long-term side effects of monoclonals.

Monoclonal antibodies are an effective and very expensive product if used in the first week of illness–just like hydroxychloroquine, which the feds (and most states) have restricted.  Will this move restrict monoclonals too?  Why are the feds buying monoclonals to dole out for free (at $2100 a pop) but not letting us have HCQ and ivermectin?  Does it have anything to do with the fact they are injected?

And of course the feds defend the move with the “equity” argument.   

The Biden administration moved this week to stave off shortages of monoclonal antibodies, taking over distribution of the critical covid-19 therapy and purchasing 1.4 million additional doses…

“HHS will determine the amount of product each state and territory receives on a weekly basis,” an HHS spokesman said. “State and territorial health departments will subsequently identify sites that will receive product and how much.” The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe new procedures that are still being explained to communities throughout the country.

“This system will help maintain equitable distribution, both geographically and temporally, across the country, providing states and territories with consistent, fairly distributed supply over the coming weeks,” he added.

According to Breitbart,

The Biden administration this week slashed the doses of lifesaving coronavirus antibody treatment to Florida, giving the state less than half of what is needed for a routine week, prioritizing “equitable distribution” — a move some suspect is a form of revenge against Republican governors whom the president vowed to get “out of the way.” 

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One Comment

  1. "Does it have anything to do with the fact they are injected?"
    I never thought about that. It's a rather chilling possibility.

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