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FDA brags about its massive systems of data collection, learns nothing from them?
FDA had its VRBPAC vaccine advisory committee meeting on October 26, 2021 to obtain its agreement to issue an EUA for 5-11 year olds. The slides below came from FDA employee Dr. Wong’s presentation: Below, Dr. Wong misdirected the audience by showing a list of most of the dreaded possible complications of COVID vaccines,…
Can it be? Study finds that college students who had been vaccinated against flu were more likely to excrete flu virus / Proceedings National Academy of Sciences
It is only one study. But it was carefully done, used interesting methods, and it tried to explore issues that have rarely been studied. Researchers from the University of Maryland studied students who had new symptoms of influenza to see if infectious flu virus spread during coughs, sneezing, or regular breathing. They looked at nasal…
Pediatric hospitalizations “with” COVID–peaked on September 1, 2021 and have dropped like a stone since kids went back to school Federal data reveal that kids are not spreading COVID to each other, now that they are back in school. In fact, in May-June 2021, 42% of kids were already immune to COVID, according to CDC. That number now would be well over 50% immune. Yet again, the public health planners who decided to keep…
Here is information about the matters taken up by the Board of Medical Licensure in my case. Guess I am guilty of giving the correct, safest drug to a pregnant woman
The Maine Board of Medical Licensure has 5 matters before it in my case. Here are the first 3: The first 2 are complaints from private citizens, who claimed that I spread misinformation on the internet. Neither complainant knows me or is a patient. Neither complaint has anything to do with medical care. Each says…
Limited airborne transmission of Ebola is ‘very likely,’ new analysis says/ WaPo
As discussed in this blog last October and November, Ebola transmission by air is likely, but also likely not a major form of spread. The WaPo comments on an academic piece written by several experts in the field: … As evidence, the research notes that Ebola virus has been found on the outside of face masks…
The rules in each state wrt vaccine passports/ The Solari Report Catherine Austin Fitts’ Solari Report is a very useful place to keep up with how our rights and our money are being stripped right now. Subscribe if you can afford to; if not, use the free content, like this article, to stay up to date.