Maine Voices: U.S. intelligence reform top priority/ Portland Press Herald
Op-Ed written by Meryl Nass, published April 6:
A surprising tug of war has erupted between the Obama administration and Congress over transparency and oversight of the intelligence agencies. In September 2009, the Senate passed the 2010 Intelligence Authorization Act, and on Feb. 26 the House passed a similar bill. They were about to be melded. But on March 15, Peter Orszag, director of the Office of Management and Budget, threatened a presidential veto if provisions of “serious concern to the intelligence community” were included.
Congress had many concerns about U.S. intelligence. The intelligence services provided no warning before Sept. 11, 2001. The intelligence that supported going to war in Iraq was deeply flawed; failures of intelligence collection, sharing, analysis and supervision were evident.
What were the Obama administration’s concerns? The first involved notifying Congress of covert activities and other intelligence matters.
Currently, certain matters are only briefed to the “Gang of Eight” – the Senate majority and minority leaders, the House speaker and minority leader, and the chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees. Although they are “briefed,” they may not take any notes, may not be accompanied by staff, and may not discuss the briefing with anyone. The process neither seeks congressional approval nor allows for objections.
Understandably, Congress wanted to expand such notifications and include all members of the intelligence committees. Congress also sought information on the “legal authority under which an intelligence activity is being or was conducted.” The administration resisted both provisions.
Orszag further objected to a provision in the new bill that would give the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, broader authority to conduct investigations of the intelligence community. Ironically, Adm. Dennis Blair, the current director of national intelligence (and a native of Kittery) had agreed with this during his confirmation hearing last year.
Other objections included the requirements to videotape interrogations and obtain Senate confirmation for additional leadership positions within the intelligence community, and conduct further investigation into the anthrax letters case.
The FBI closed the anthrax case last month despite dozens of unanswered questions. The administration claimed that further investigation “would undermine public confidence … and unfairly cast doubt on its conclusions.” But why shouldn’t Congress review an unsatisfactory conclusion to a crime that had profound repercussions for our country?
Congress has the duty to pay for and oversee federal expenditures, and make sure federal programs accord with our laws. If the tools available are inadequate to the task, more tools must be forthcoming.
Recent congressional precedent, alluded to by Orszag, took a “hands-off” approach to intelligence. The current administration wants the hands-off approach to continue. But is it wise?
Recent precedent led to violations of our Bill of Rights: Warrantless wiretapping by the National Security Agency is prohibited by the Fourth Amendment’s protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
“Extraordinary rendition” is prohibited by the Fifth Amendment’s requirement for due process of law.
Incarceration for years, without benefit of legal counsel, is prohibited by the Sixth Amendment’s rights of the accused, including the right to a speedy trial.
The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment (torture), as do our treaties.
These violations arguably make our nation less safe. Thus Congress has a clear mission to oversee and correct the conduct of the intelligence agencies. Do others agree?
The 9/11 Commission Report asked for improved congressional oversight of intelligence, noting, “Of all our recommendations, strengthening congressional oversight may be among the most difficult and important.”
The Report of the President’s Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction warned, “The intelligence community is a closed world, and many insiders admitted to us that it has an almost perfect record of resisting external recommendations.”
Maine’s Sen. Olympia Snowe introduced important new oversight provisions in the 2010 Intelligence Authorization Act.
It is critical for her and the rest of Congress to have the public’s support of their efforts to improve performance and accountability in the intelligence community.
There are those in government who want to be able to do whatever they want without accountability. This is both on the Federal, state, and local government levels. Without good Federal leadership, America fails to be a leader for the world. Federal government fails to be a good example for the states and US territories, and fails to be the proper strength and support that local governments can look up to.
I would like MY America to uphold high standards for Integrity and Trust,
Consistency,Dependability, and the Common Good. My America, would also not engage in "special" relationships with lobbyists, or businesses of any kind, non-profits, or individuals, nor other organizations – domestic or overseas that prejudices decisions, financial management/spending, the judicial system, or the employment or status quo of employees of any persons.
Intelligence Gathering is useless if it is stifled by those with "other agendas", or if it's real purpose is for use in promoting "other agendas" whereas it is oppressed if it opposes those agendas.
Those supporting and moving this country and others towards Global government may be willing to make "sacrifices" if they feel that it will serve their agenda. It is a harsh thing to consider, and would be a striking accusation. Or we could consider that government is just rife with incompetency, and when an event occurs there are those who will utilize that event to promote or assist their own agenda.
I can only imagine the frustration of those who have gathered
"intelligence" and yet their information was suppressed, or ignored. But if ignored, we have to ask "why".