Watch Frontline’s “The Anthrax Files”/ PBS
See Part I of The Anthrax Files. This terribly important 1 hour documentary uncovered new evidence in the case. Additional videos related to the case are accessible at the site. Enjoy.
See Part I of The Anthrax Files. This terribly important 1 hour documentary uncovered new evidence in the case. Additional videos related to the case are accessible at the site. Enjoy. 1. Almost every member of the advisory committee earns money for their work on vaccines. However only one acknowledged a financial conflict of interest, which was minor. Most of the VRBPAC members at today’s meeting are not actually regular members of the VRBPAC committee. It looks as if the Covid vaccine meetings have been stacked…
This has nothing to do with biological warfare, but I feel compelled to make a few points about this trial anyway. 1. The volunteer subjects who received vaccine were apparently harmed. But did they receive sufficient warning that this could happen? Merck/NIAID will no doubt say it could not have been foreseen (though one article…
From FierceBiotech: “Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to grant Gilead Sciences’ experimental COVID-19 drug remdesivir a special, speedy approval, despite it failing to show any definitive clinical signs that it works. The report, from Japanese news site Kyodo, could make Japan the first country in the world to approve the med, which was… The article below came from Christof Plouthe. I do not know if it is a direct translation or an explanation of the article above, which is in German. An Austrian court came to the conclusion that a PCR test is not suitable for determining infectivity. In the specific case, it was about a lawsuit…
This article from the Bucks County Courier Times doesn’t address how the 25 mcg. mercury-containing doses (in multidose vials) will be handled, since release into landfills and rivers is not safe or acceptable. Most swine flu vaccine used in the US was packaged in multidose vials, including a mercury preservative, with small stocks of single…
Is any doubt left about whether US vaccine recommendations are excessive? This wretched recommendation will surely expel the last doubt. Universal vaccination for boys with a vaccine whose efficacy, safety and duration of effect are unknown, is being recommended for — can you believe it? — genital warts! Okay, rarely the warts lead to penile,…
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The anthrax attack on the Capitol Hill complex was an attack on the core of American democracy. The investigation is not finished until
1) the silicon tin signature can be replicated in conditions approximating those of whoever sent it
2) the entire lineage of every flask of Ames anthrax DNA in the world is traced back to the cow or as closely as possible.
Interesting timing for yesterday's FBI Dog and Pony Show.
If Ivins had spent months growing anthrax in plates in trash bags or other odd places, then he would have tracked the spores to his car and home. But the FBI found none.
This is particularly true if Ivins handled them outside the BSL3 and did not shower after handling them.
Old Atlantic Lighthouse wrote: "If Ivins had spent months growing anthrax in plates in trash bags or other odd places, then he would have tracked the spores to his car and home. But the FBI found none.
"This is particularly true if Ivins handled them outside the BSL3 and did not shower after handling them."
Ivins grew the spores in the autoclave bags in his BSL-3 lab, refined them there, and prepared the letters there. And, he showed after handling them.
So, you seem to agree that Ivins had the capability.
It's known that Ivins allowed full autoclave bags to accumulate in his lab for weeks. No one would know if Ivins removed the anthrax from the plates and put empty plates back into the bags.
Besides, Ivins was accustomed to handling plates with anthrax in them. He did it every day. The only time there was a risk of spores going all over the place would be when he scraped the DRY spores out of the drying dish and into the letters. And, he would have done that task inside of a biosafety cabinet in his BSL-3 lab.
He was careful, but he still tracked spores into his office and into the locker room and elsewhere. He TWICE did unauthorized cleanups to get rid of the evidence. Remember?
He wouldn't have tracked the spores home because he showered and disposed of his lab clothes after loading the letters with anthrax. And, since he didn't want fingerprints on the letters, he probably carried them around in a Ziplock bag, and wiped down the outside of the bag with bleach.
AFTER the attacks, Ivins handled the Daschle letter in his BSL-3 lab in his biosafety cabinet. So, no one would be able to tell if the spores were there from when he prepared the letters prior to mailing them or from when he handled the Daschle letter to test the spore concentration.