Flu Vaccine Mandates and Talking Points funded by Pharma, naturally
I did not have to look far to find the source of that meaningless little factoid used by the Goshen hospital spokesperson and the British Columbia chief medical officer:
The IAC has created an “Honor Roll” of institutions that force flu vaccine on their employees and make their lives miserable if they don’t comply:
The list of who pays for this includes:
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC | |
Mark and Muriel Wexler Foundation Anonymous |
Baxter Healthcare Corp. CSL Biotherapies GlaxoSmithKline MedImmune, Inc. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Novartis Vaccines Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Pfizer Inc. sanofi pasteur |
American Pharmacists Association | |
Combined Federal Campaign donors Health plans Hospitals |