For Those Who Say the Science is Settled

I knew bad news on the vaccines was going to break soon, given the admissions by Pfizer and BioNTech CEOs that their vaccines didn’t work, and they were not encouraging on the booster doses either. Below is the bad news for boosters. Hopefully the kill shot. The good news is that antivirals work against COVID,…
From Etana’s Substack: The World’s Laboratory That Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer coined Israel as the “world’s laboratory” is by now well known. By any reasonable definition, one can assume that the world’s laboratory would be meticulously tracking all vaccine-related data with all the seriousness that a mass medical intervention deserves. Unfortunately at this…
State medical boards license doctors. They also enforce standards of practice. For example, medical boards took away the licenses of over 50 doctors who treated chronic Lyme disease, and investigated many more. Frustrated Lyme patients, unable to find doctors to treat them, went to their state legislatures to fight back. As a result, every state…
From the BBC: Link between narcolepsy and flu vaccine investigated Health officials are investigating a link between narcolepsy and the Pandemrix vaccine in two people who were treated for swine flu. Northern Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer has confirmed to the BBC, that Northern Ireland had become the latest country to report suspected cases of the…
The the WHO lawyers are trying to play us, saying the nations are sovereign because they still make the laws. What the WHO omits saying is that under the Treaty and proposed IHR Amendments, nations will be forced to pass the laws that the WHO tell them to pass. Examples of this and other…
Mines, like this one in Badahkshan, could lift Afghanistan out of poverty (NPR) From National Public Radio, information on how the Pentagon is working to develop business opportunities in Afghanistan for US corporations: There’s close to a $1 trillion waiting to be unearthed beneath the rocky soil of Afghanistan. The massive deposits of iron, copper,…
I knew bad news on the vaccines was going to break soon, given the admissions by Pfizer and BioNTech CEOs that their vaccines didn’t work, and they were not encouraging on the booster doses either. Below is the bad news for boosters. Hopefully the kill shot. The good news is that antivirals work against COVID,…
From Etana’s Substack: The World’s Laboratory That Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer coined Israel as the “world’s laboratory” is by now well known. By any reasonable definition, one can assume that the world’s laboratory would be meticulously tracking all vaccine-related data with all the seriousness that a mass medical intervention deserves. Unfortunately at this…
State medical boards license doctors. They also enforce standards of practice. For example, medical boards took away the licenses of over 50 doctors who treated chronic Lyme disease, and investigated many more. Frustrated Lyme patients, unable to find doctors to treat them, went to their state legislatures to fight back. As a result, every state…
From the BBC: Link between narcolepsy and flu vaccine investigated Health officials are investigating a link between narcolepsy and the Pandemrix vaccine in two people who were treated for swine flu. Northern Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer has confirmed to the BBC, that Northern Ireland had become the latest country to report suspected cases of the…
The the WHO lawyers are trying to play us, saying the nations are sovereign because they still make the laws. What the WHO omits saying is that under the Treaty and proposed IHR Amendments, nations will be forced to pass the laws that the WHO tell them to pass. Examples of this and other…
Mines, like this one in Badahkshan, could lift Afghanistan out of poverty (NPR) From National Public Radio, information on how the Pentagon is working to develop business opportunities in Afghanistan for US corporations: There’s close to a $1 trillion waiting to be unearthed beneath the rocky soil of Afghanistan. The massive deposits of iron, copper,…
I knew bad news on the vaccines was going to break soon, given the admissions by Pfizer and BioNTech CEOs that their vaccines didn’t work, and they were not encouraging on the booster doses either. Below is the bad news for boosters. Hopefully the kill shot. The good news is that antivirals work against COVID,…
From Etana’s Substack: The World’s Laboratory That Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer coined Israel as the “world’s laboratory” is by now well known. By any reasonable definition, one can assume that the world’s laboratory would be meticulously tracking all vaccine-related data with all the seriousness that a mass medical intervention deserves. Unfortunately at this…
State medical boards license doctors. They also enforce standards of practice. For example, medical boards took away the licenses of over 50 doctors who treated chronic Lyme disease, and investigated many more. Frustrated Lyme patients, unable to find doctors to treat them, went to their state legislatures to fight back. As a result, every state…
From the BBC: Link between narcolepsy and flu vaccine investigated Health officials are investigating a link between narcolepsy and the Pandemrix vaccine in two people who were treated for swine flu. Northern Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer has confirmed to the BBC, that Northern Ireland had become the latest country to report suspected cases of the…
The the WHO lawyers are trying to play us, saying the nations are sovereign because they still make the laws. What the WHO omits saying is that under the Treaty and proposed IHR Amendments, nations will be forced to pass the laws that the WHO tell them to pass. Examples of this and other…
Mines, like this one in Badahkshan, could lift Afghanistan out of poverty (NPR) From National Public Radio, information on how the Pentagon is working to develop business opportunities in Afghanistan for US corporations: There’s close to a $1 trillion waiting to be unearthed beneath the rocky soil of Afghanistan. The massive deposits of iron, copper,…