For Those Who Say the Science is Settled

From the Daily Mail, excerpts follow: The investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly would be re-opened under a Tory government, according to a senior Conservative. Shadow Justice Secretary Dominic Grieve said the public has ‘not been reassured’ that the Whitehall scientist took his own life. Mr Grieve said that, if the Tories take…
The following piece was written by DC Dave, who shares my take on the opioid crisis, and its roots in the US deployment in Afghanistan. He has elaborated on the heroin epidemic, noting how the mass media have shied away from a realistic discussion and interpretation of the epidemic of injected opioids sweeping the world,…
When the Johns Hopkins brain trust that lives off the fear of pandemics and biowarfare publishes an Op-Ed calling a TIME-OUT for the use of ACAM-2000 for monkeypox, you know this is a very bad, terrible vaccine. They are scared it will be the coup de grace that ends the vaccine enterprise as we know…
French physician and pharmacoepidemiologist Marc Girard has penned a fiery letter to the BMJ about medical experts, clinical guidelines, drug regulation and the role of Pharma in creating a market for swine flu and hepatitis B vaccines. Not to be missed, here are two excerpts: …how, during the development of a vaccine targeted against a…
They strung several very well constructed fairy tales together that, when believed, lead you to walk happily into their ovens and pay for the privilege. It’s that simple. Robert and Jill Malone wrote an excellent substack piece on what has been going on at Davos this week in a collaboration between the WHO and the WEF titled…