How you can receive early effective treatment for Covid

US Doctor groups willing to treat Covid patients with appropriate medications:

1.  Dr. Zev Zelenko‘s new website. He pioneered HCQ treatments in the US:

2.  Dr Peter McCullough et al’s protocol–please scroll down to the gray area to click on a small spot to download the full text

3.  version 7 of iMASK protocol

4. (Wonderful collection of information on protocols and a list of doctors’ groups who treat patients using these protocols, includes several I am not familiar with)




List of Independent Practices:

List #2 Independent Practices:

List #3 “Directory of Doctors Prescribing Outpatient COVID-19 Therapy”:

FLCCC Alliance:

Arnot Health & Lake Erie College of Medicine (upstate NY):

Bethany Medical (North Carolina):

Budesonide Protocol Practices:

For those who have found a  doctor that has prescribed HCQ but their pharmacy will not fulfill the early treatment prescription – it can be overnighted by – Ravkoo Pharmacy Phone: 863-875-5700

Jane Orient’s group Doctors for Disasster Preparedness discusses other potential OTC remedies.

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