NJ governor has power to drain a gym’s $165,000 bank account for staying open?


“BELLMAWR, New Jersey, January 14, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The owner of a New Jersey gym who has fought to keep his business open during the COVID lockdown said that overnight the gym’s bank account was 100% drained of its funds by the state government.

Atilis Gym co-owner Ian Smith released the shocking news in an Instagram video posted last night which, as of this writing, has been viewed over 370,000 times.

“As of this morning, without warning, and without permission, and in the middle of litigation, Governor Murphy took it upon himself to empty our bank account entirely, to the tune of $165,000,” explained Smith.”

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  1. When dealing with the government I guess it is best to keep your money safe and not able to be stolen.

  2. Cash in a secret vault seems like a pretty good idea at this point. Just until they go to the Digital Dollar Control Grid.

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