Has CDC taken down its own slide set used to show “safety” at the ACIP meeting on June 23?
I have been referring to these slides all week. Today they “refuse to load”:
I have been referring to these slides all week. Today they “refuse to load”:
An FDA inspection uncovered multiple significant deviations from standard manufacturing processes, termed “good manufacturing practices” at CSL (previously known as Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, and previously an Australian government lab) in its manufacture of flu vaccine for the US market. As is standard in these cases, a disclaimer was made to the effect that there is…
I found this video incredibly compelling. Yes, he was told to shut up and threatened, and that is a story. But what truly stunned and sickened me were the number of vaccine injuries in this small population, many who are from the First Nations. If these rates of injury are broadly representative, we are seeing…
Although this conclusion is nothing new to many of us, it is gratifying to get confirmation from the National Academy of Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences, and to hear a Sandia National Labs scientist, Paul Kotula, acknowledge that 200 tries to reverse engineer the spores did not create an identical match. Which simply…
From the Washington Examiner: Cervical cancer accounts for less than 1 percent of all cancer deaths, so it was somewhat surprising when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fast-tracked approval of Gardasil, a Merck vaccine targeting the human papilloma virus (HPV) that causes the disease, in 2006. As of Jan. 31, 2010, 49 unexplained deaths…
Med Microbiol Immunol. 2009 Oct 23. [Epub ahead of print] Bhakdi S, Lackner K, Doerr HW. Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University Medical Center, Augustusplatz, 55101, Mainz, Germany, sbhakdi@uni-mainz.de. Programs for vaccination against the new influenza A/H1N1 targeting many hundred million citizens in Europe and the USA are to be launched in the fall…
The article below is a long, detailed read, but will give you an excellent understanding of how to currently interpret information from CDC and other official sources on vaccine safety. Robert W Malone MD, MS 8 hr ago 882 102 With the reveal that the objectivity of the CDC (and US HHS) has become both politicized…
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Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass '400,000' Following Covid Vaccines!
People are so brainwashed by the constant fear mongering and drumbeat of the official narrative that they doggedly hold onto the CDC guidelines, even in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary.
It will take years to debrief the planet.
Truly bizarre. If I go to the main index page https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/slides-2021-06.html, all of the COVID vaccine slides appear to be broken links, while slides from subsequent days load normally (for example, the dengue vaccine session). If I right click on Shimabukuro's slides and select 'Save Link As…', I am able to download a file that contains several megabytes of *something*, but no PDF reader is able to open it and the one 'repair corrupt PDF' tool I tried gave up immediately.
I imagine the 'Note: These files are not yet 508' is an arcane bureaucratic incantation whereby the CDC reserves to itself the right to monkey with the content.
Same as or similar to Arakawa's experience.
“This PDF document might not be displayed correctly.”
Trying to open a downloaded copy yields “The file “03-COVID-Shimabukuro-508.pdf” could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize.”
Thank you for the Wayback Machine link.
Ah the wayback works and you can get all the presentations that way by starting with this CDC page, then when you click on each of the presentations (that don't download) you'll at least have the link to input into the wayback site, and you can download all the PDFs from there.
Seems that we all need to archive important statements and info, by screenshot if necessary, asap after publication. The WHO taught us that with its briefly sane statement not to vaccinate kids, and now CDC with these slides.
Looks like the slides are back. Time to see if they furtively changed anything. The mysterious corruption of the covid files and only the covid files has put me in 'don't trust them as far as I can throw them' mode.
Slides back up on the website. The only change I can spot in the Shimabukuro slides is that slide 51 (a supplementary slide detailing 'Timeline: U.S. adolescent COVID-19 vaccination') has been removed.
For the Wallace and Oliver slides https://web.archive.org/web/20210623173615/https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-06/05-COVID-Wallace-508.pdf there seem to be no changes