Let the board go on a wild goose chase. I got flowers yesterday.

From the CDC website we learn that CDC issues “authoritative guidance directly to Medscape’s physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals.” Want to learn the newest on screening and managing Ebola? Screening for Ebola is not an easy task, since many other diseases can look very much like Ebola. But CDC is here to help doctors…
from Vaccine News Daily: … Besides the H1N1 vaccine, countermeasures currently covered by the CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program of the DHHS’ Health Resources and Services Agency) program include vaccines and drugs for anthrax and smallpox, under HHS declarations made in 2008, according to Bowman. Many members of the U.S. military receive anthrax and smallpox…
Group wants end to Israeli anthrax tests Published: Nov. 1, 2007 at 9:36 AM Font size: JERUSALEM, Nov. 1 (UPI) — A rights group petitioned Israel’s High Court on Thursday to stop the military from performing anthrax vaccine experiments on soldiers. Physicians for Human Rights filed one petition, while a second was filed by a…
Hope this does not bore you but it is important to clear things up. The following grossly wrong assertions were made 2 days ago by someone we had trusted: “… you should realize the following: The WHO negotiations are NOT an attack on national sovereignty. The WHO negotiations are NOT about mandates or lockdowns….
BREAKING: Defeat the Mandates – March on Washington: Jan. 23, 2022 Robert W Malone MD, MS Dec 17 We’re coming home. Americans of every class and color. Democrats and Republicans. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. United we stand, in peace we march. At the Lincoln Memorial, a wide range of featured guests will be waiting. Recording artists,…
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