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I watched it live.
A few take aways:
0] USA and other said the WHO has found no problems and is not aware of any; meaning WHO is the referee, from this perspective.
1] Mexico pointed out [as did China] there is no "multi-lateral" regime in place to fairly and justly: investigate and adjudicate weapons of mass destruction issues, period. [Of which bio weapons secretly via US and military proliferating in Ukraine is latest problem, they said.]
2]Russia said they told UNSC March 7,days before alleged "hospital bombing" in Mariupol that building was evacuated and being used by Ukraine forces; and said a landmine exploded in vicinity of the building, and the building was not blown up, there was no dead and interior in many places untouched.
3] Ukraine said it was bombed and the hospital was destroyed.
4] China: biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine should trigger great concern.
5] US denied everything and refused to engage any substance. And the WHO said nothing to see here according to US.
6] Ireland "deeply regrets" "baseless claims against United States"
7] US repeatedly used word "Disinformation" — China "too has been spreading misinformation" and US said Russia called UNSC meeting for "sole purpose of spreading lies and misinformation"
8]Russia: "there was no international control" of WMDs in Ukraine
9] Mexico: "WHO has no knowledge of anything" viz. "biological weapons" in Ukraine. "There is no external mechanism in place" to verify anything.
10] China: if US believes information is fake, then provide us with relevant data so international community can make determination.
11] Russia: US did not address the substance, indicating a "guilty mind. . . we hit the nail on the head when we were talking about nefarious activity"
The UNSC meeting 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 11 2022