My January 1, 2021 prediction came true: South Africa banned ivermectin, and the US did follow it

First country bans ivermectin, a lifesaver for Covid--will the US be next?

South Africa acted to prevent its citizens from accessing ivermectin for COVID on Christmas Eve, 2020. This was ten days after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccines rolled out in the US. Was it a coincidence?

South Africa’s government did this by directly banning the drug’s importation in the midst of a serious COVID wave. The government was taken to court, and after a few months, the people won, and the drug returned to the shelves.

In the US, starting in early 2021, a variety of methods were used to stop use of ivermectin for COVID, but all of them were indirect and covert. There was no clear action one could bring to a court. Instead, roadblocks were placed in the way of importing the drug, but importation was not banned outright. FDA claimed ivermectin was a “horse dewormer” in tweets and its website—and the tweeter was congratulated by the acting FDA Commissioner, FDA’s top official. But FDA never issued an official warning regarding safety, did not add a warning to the label, never recalled a single lot nor took ivermectin off the market.

I detailed the many methods that were used to stop doctors prescribing the drug in an earlier substack article. The point I want to make here is that none of the strategies that were used to choke off its use employed the normal, legal mechanisms for taking a dangerous drug off the market. Instead, hidden hands used underhanded methods in order to wrest control of medical care away from the doctor and patient. In place of patient autonomy, a single COVID protocol was imposed on all Americans. A protocol crafted opaquely by one of Tony Fauci’s handpicked, Pharma-conflicted teams of experts.

Americans pay, on average, $13,000 per person per year for healthcare. We have just lost the right to direct how that money is spent. It is critically important for the country to understand this. We are experiencing a hostile takeover of the $4.1 trillion dollar US healthcare industry under the guise of COVID. Will we stand for it? We must quickly grasp that the right to choose our own healthcare was just usurped by a mafia fronted by people in white coats who pose as medical experts.

Ivermectin is today’s example. What will it be tomorrow? How much is choosing your own healthcare worth to you?

Below is my prescient article from 14 months ago.

Ivermectin, a cheap generic drug used for hookworm, heartworm and scabies, with a half life causing it to remain in your system for months, is used as a “worming” medicine in children, dogs, horses.  Due to its tremendous value as a highly safe and effective drug, a Nobel Prize was awarded to its developers in 2015.

Serendipitously, it was found to be extremely effective in Covid-19, for both prevention and treatment.  It is even effective at a late stage of illness, unlike hydroxychloroquine.  The drug seems to work against SARS-CoV-2 even better than antimalarials.  Unlike the chloroquine drugs, its efficacy was only established during the past several months.  Many studies now prove its value in Covid-19.

Ivermectin’s routine use in places like Africa probably contributed to Africa’s extraordinary resistance to Covid-19, where rates of death are a small fraction what they are in the US. Most African countries have reported death rates from Covid-19 between 1% and 10% that of the US.

A US Senate hearing led by Senator Ron Johnson on December 8 called as witnesses doctors who were using the drug, who discussed its extreme benefit in the Covid epidemic. 

That appears to have initiated a firestorm of fake news about how the drug is dangerous, unproven, and should not be used for Covid.  The Associated Press led the way, employing journalist Beatrice Dupuy, who specializes in debunking Covid ‘misinformation,’ and who previously wrote for Teen Vogue. The AP also used Facebook’s opaque “fact checking” system.  Then other media outlets followed.

On Christmas Eve, 16 days after the Senate hearing that gave ivermectin its first broad publicity, the government of South Africa banned its use and importation as a treatment for Covid.  No specific safety issue (except the claim the drug could kill you) was cited as the reason.  There is no specific safety issue; the drug is extremely safe, although a large burden of killed worms can sometimes sicken a patient.

This week, South Africa has the highest number of reported new Covid cases in Africa, per capita. Depriving them of effective treatment is obviously criminal.

The chloroquine drugs are also very effective treatments for early Covid, but their use for this purpose has been obfuscated, banned, and interfered with using a huge number of techniques.  I created a list of 53 different strategies that have been employed to prevent chloroquine drugs from being used against Covid in many countries. The strategies were enormously effective.  Few doctors and patients have any idea that real “magic bullets” exist to cure Covid.  Fewer still have realized that by preventing access to highly effective drugs, our rulers deliberately prolong the pandemic and maximize the deaths. 

Make no mistake:  proper use of chloroquine drugs or ivermectin (all cheap and generic) would be a game changer.  They would end the Covid-19 pandemic, with or without vaccines. 

The banning of ivermectin in South Africa is a TRIAL BALLOON–if the powers that be can get away with it there, they will start banning it elsewhere.  Do everything in your power to prevent this from happening. Please spread the word.  Get your doctor to prescribe the drug for you.  Write letters to the newspaper.  Please DO SOMETHING!

UPDATE Jan 7:  Police raid Durban hospital for dispensing ivermectin to patients.

UPDATE Jan 31:  Just a thought.  The “South Africa” coronavirus variant is the one many say could defeat current vaccines. Did the powers that be–those who fraudulently prevented access to hydroxychloroquine–decide that if ivermectin could be banned in South Africa, they could evade the accumulation of evidence that the drug worked perfectly well against the new corona variant?

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