UK data: vaccine prevents deaths for a few short months, and then it doesn’t
If it doesn't prevents deaths and hospitalizations, what is the real reason people are being frogmarched into taking it?
The following graphs straight from the UK Office of National Statistics seem self-explanatory to me. Perhaps if you keep on getting boosters you may not die as readily. But those earlier shots are sure wearing off quickly, and after a few months have passed, they do not, as claimed by the CDC, prevent deaths.
It turned out that people who get flu shots are a much healthier cohort than those who do not. So we must be careful comparing the vaxed and unvaxed.
In any event, I showed earlier today in the NY and CA data that the vax does not prevent hospitalizations. Here I show using UK data that deaths are not prevented either.
So what does this vaccine do? And why do so many newly totalitarian nations demand obeisance to the vaccine?
Figure 1: Monthly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for deaths involving COVID-19 are consistently lower for people who had a third dose or booster at least 21 days ago than unvaccinated people
ASMRs calculated for each month, by vaccine status, total and by age group, for deaths involving COVID-19, England, deaths occurring between 1 January 2021 and 31 January 2022
Source: Office for National Statistics – Public Health Data Asset, National
See pages 5 and 6, as I am unable to reproduce the graph here. Or go to my blog, where it did successfully reproduce, for now, anyway.