CDC has scheduled its ACIP Advisory Committee meeting for Sept. 1 and 2 to sign off on the new Omicron boosters
Two days to discuss: nothing. There is no human data on how these newly formulated vaccines work
The normal notice was not provided in advance of this meeting.
In accordance with 41 CFR 102-3.150(b), less than 15 calendar days’ notice is being given for this meeting due to the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and rapidly evolving COVID-19 vaccine development and regulatory processes…
Matters To Be Considered: The agenda will include discussions on use of COVID-19 vaccines booster doses. A recommendation vote(s) is scheduled. Agenda items are subject to change as priorities dictate.
Procedure for Oral Public Comment: All persons interested in making an oral public comment during the September 1-2, 2022, ACIP meeting must submit a request at no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT, August 30, 2022, according to the instructions provided.
What’s the hurry? There is barely any COVID. New cases are at their lowest level in 3 months. ICU cases have been way down for a full 6 months.
While it is legal for FDA to omit convening its advisory committee when it makes an important decision, such as authorizing new boosters—without requiring so much as a phase 1 trial in humans—the ACIP (CDC’s advisory committee on immunization practices) and not the CDC itself makes the vaccine recommendations for the entire United States. Then the CDC Director signs off on them. So CDC could not get around convening this ACIP meeting. FDA isn’t convening one because probably Paul Offit and other members would give FDA a blast of truth about such a bold and reckless move: approving vaccines for widespread use before even the shoddiest Phase 3 trial in humans had been performed.
Last year the Director overruled her advisory committee on the adult boosters. Which is unheard of. Rochelle must have been getting her marching orders from God, no Fauci, no Schwab or whoever gives the Great Reset orders, I guess.
So, this is a tricky situation for the ACIP and the Rochelle windup doll. The USG has already ordered about 180 million doses from Pfizer, and some unknown amount from Moderna. So the rollout plan has to be approved by the ACIP Committee.
Last time this happened, the federal government announced its purchase of boosters the day after the FDA advisory committee met. When committee member Paul Offit was later interviewed by Z-Dogg, Offit described the meeting, then the booster vaccine purchase announced the next day, and Offit told Z-Dogg, “The Fix Was In.”
He told Z-Dogg how it took 20 years to develop the rotavirus vaccine, and then how “nauseating” it was when it rolled out, wondering what side effects it might cause. (minute 46). This time, the bold and the reckless Biden flunkies didn’t even wait for the meeting to be held, and pre-bought the vaccine ahead of time. If that is not signalling to the members how they are expected to vote, I don’t know what is.
Normally the Committee members show extreme docility regarding the votes CDC wants them to take, even if it means lots of babies will die who didn’t need COVID shots in the first place. However, this is the first time in history a totally new vaccine is to be pushed through the ACIP with no human trials. 3 months ago, it had not even been designed.
Flu shots are slightly adjusted each year, and essentially grandfathered in. But they get used in the southern hemisphere first, so the north (us) gets the benefit of essentially six months of trials down under.
But in this case, for the first time in history, the new boosters with mRNA for omicron BA.4/5 plus the old mRNA vaccine formulation have been through no trials at all. Pfizer only applied for the right to perform clinical trials on Monday Aug. 22 and on August 25 said they had not started yet.
So, it is the ACIP that is to be left holding the bag on this one. Will they suck it up and vote yes? Will they bleat a little, then vote yes? Or will they realize they have been positioned to take the fall and actually ponder the meaning of their vote?
I will live blog the ACIP meeting for Children’s Health Defense. Please join me, and let’s do our best to witness what they try to pull off.
I have also applied to speak during the public comment section. Will I be blocked again?
Here is another wrinkle. Four of the 15 ACIP members are supposed to have completed their 4 year terms on June 30, though their names are still listed on the ACIP roster and they were part of a meeting last month. I think they will be gone at the next meeting, and a new group replacing them will have already been vetted to make sure there are no glitches with this upcoming vote.
UPDATE September 1: Guess what? All 4 members below, whose terms ended on June 30, attended the ACIP meeting today. When I went to look them up again on the CDC website, the site has been redesigned since last week and their terms are no longer listed! I think CDC is reading/responding to my substack.
Here are the 4 members who were supposed to rotate off the ACIP 2 months ago, but did not:
Professor and Division Director
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, KS
Term: 10/26/2018 – 6/30/2022
KOTTON, Camille Nelson, MD, FIDSA, FAST
Clinical Director, Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases Division, Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Term: 12/23/2020 – 6/30/2022
MCNALLY, Veronica V., JD
President and CEO
Franny Strong Foundation
West Bloomfield, Michigan
Term: 10/31/2018 – 6/30/2022
TALBOT, Helen Keipp, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Term: 10/29/2018 – 6/30/2022