Coffee and COVID–perhaps the best news site for COVID on the web

If you have not been reading the “Coffee and COVID” substack you have missed out on some of the most up-to-date info on all things COVID from the sharp, discerning and amusing legal mind belonging to Jeff Childers.  Today I see the title is “COVID and Courage,” which I think refers to trusting the mouse data when you go for your next booster.  Indeed, that would be courageous. 


đź’‰ Last week, the UK government quietly revised its vaccine guidance and pivoted with respect to pregnant and breastfeeding women, I mean people. The new guidance explicitly wants against shots:

…it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time … healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated.

I’m old enough to remember back when you got kicked off Facebook for warning pregnant women not to take the jab.  Here’s the link

đź’‰ On Friday, a split decision in the 11th Federal Circuit
partially upheld and partially dropped the injunction against the
Federal contractor covid vaccine mandate. The dissenting judge, a
Carter-appointee, wrote that he thinks the federal government has clear
authority to order the mandate whenever it wants to. But the judge
writing for the majority, a Trump appointee, upheld the injunction, but
held that enjoining the entire country was over broad, and reduced its
effect to just the seven states who joined the lawsuit plus the
Associated Builders and Contractors union, which also joined.

this means the Biden Administration could restart the mandate in the
other states, reports say officials are “still considering” what will
happen next. They’ll probably keep considering it, at least until after
the midterms. Vote accordingly.

đź’‰ Last week, Florida federal
Judge Steven Merryday enjoined the entire Marine Corps from enforcing
the Military Mandate against any soldier asserting a religious objection
to the jabs. Props to the heroic lawyers who litigated the case…


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  1. Why does the CDC of USA tell pregnant women and breast feeding women that the Covid vax is safe to take, yet the UK says not to take it? Why is there such a difference? What is going on here?

  2. NUREMBERG 2.0: those Behind the Scamdemic and the COVID Death Shot MUST go to Trial!

    Those behind promoting the Scamdemic and/or the COVID death shot must go to trial and be punished to the fullest extent that their crimes deserve. They should not be given a free pass.

    Whether they are misguided but criminally negligent, or outright wicked, society simply cannot survive by condoning such evil.
    What we have been dealing with ever since early 2020 is World War 3 — where the countries of the world have been warring on their own
    people. The scale is enormous. And so while so many are complicit that
    it would be hard to realistically prosecute everyone, prosecutions
    should start with those at the top and work their way down as much as
    reasonably possible.

    Those who bear the greatest responsibility are those in positions of the greatest influence and authority:
    wealthy elites who hatched and fund the warfare on humanity; medical
    authorities who “legitimize” it; heads of media organizations who
    perpetuate it; technocrats who suppress information exposing it; and
    politicians who empower and enforce it.

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