My Jeffrey Sachs archive, in reverse chronological order

6 earlier articles on Sachs. #5, a transcription of 3 minutes of him speaking, is a killer

  1. Jeffrey Sachs ‘whistleblows’ what everyone already knewThrows Fauci, Daszak and Baric under the bus, a year after everyone already knew what they had done, 2 years after those of us paying attention knew it

Sep 22

  1. Who is Jeffrey Sachs?Anyone remember structural adjustment? Vulture capitalism? Meryl Nass Sep 21

  2. Catherine Austin Fitts weighs in on Jeffrey Sachs:Dr. Nass did a great job of warning us about Jeffrey Sachs’ trial balloon for global government through the WHO. We should add some background. Jeffrey…Meryl Nass Sep 21

Jeff Sachs and giving the W.H.O. mo’ money. The Lancet COVID Commission and One Health are important parts of the globalists’ narrative Meryl Nass Sep 20

I transcribed Jeffrey Sachs’ 3 minutes on how we should give WHO authority over biowarfare research. And pay WHO 0.1% of the rich world GNP Meryl Nass Sep 19, 2022

  1. A winding tale of the WHO, monkeypox, Jeffrey Sachs’ turnaround, and One Health Meryl Nass May 24, 2022

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