3 short videos compiled by Calvin Luther Martin on the mRNA problems
10-20 minutes each of Ron Johnson's roundtable , Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Michael Palmer
10-20 minutes each of Ron Johnson's roundtable , Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Michael Palmer
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/my-day-in-court-oral-arguments-forThings were a little dicey getting to court. Because I had missed the oral arguments for my federal case against the Board last January 2024 in Portland, as an unexpected blizzard prevented me from driving the 165 miles to the courtroom, I was bound and determined not to miss today. My car was…
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/nyt-gives-more-breadcrumbs-says-plane
Thanks to Warner Mendenhall for making my day
Thanks to Warner Mendenhall for making my day
Article by Libby Klein, who found other issues in the proposed Amendments; and my one pager list of 13 concerns
Article by Libby Klein, who found other issues in the proposed Amendments; and my one pager list of 13 concerns
According to my memory, this is quite accurate
According to my memory, this is quite accurate
People say I was clear, to the point, complete
People say I was clear, to the point, complete