A few months after their 16 year old student dies running track, Amherst MA school superintendent admits they will hold a COVID vaccine clinic for students and be paid $2,000 to do so by the state.
The students who get COVID shots will receive $75 gift cards each. Have the grownups no shame?
Sacrificing virgins on the altar of the Scientism religion, Amherst MA (population 40,000 but housing 2 colleges and a major university) pledges loyalty to the shot, denying the reality of their own student’s recent death from myocarditis.
The Amherst-Pelham MA school superintendent admitted at a meeting streamed on closed circuit TV tonight that he is putting his students’ lives at risk for thirty pieces of silver. Adding insult to injury, they are calling it a “Vaccine Equity” clinic.
You can watch him laying it out at 59 minutes
What is wrong with Amherst, a small city chock full of MDs and PhDs, who are mindlessly going along and increasing their kids’ chance of death? Disclosure: I lived there for ten years. I lectured in the next town 3 days ago.
After losing one high school athlete already to the shot (and the parents of the deceased teenager are an MD and PhD) why aren’t people screaming NO!? What does it take to stop the carnage? If it’s such a great vaccine, why do you need to pay people to take it? The town of Amherst’s COVID vaccine website claims that 91% of the town is fully vaxxed. But the clinics won’t stop, even after everyone knows the darn things don’t work.
According to the NYT and CDC, only 15% of Americans have taken a bivalent booster and only 34% have taken any COVID booster. So a lot of us have figured out the scam. Too bad the good, overeducated people of Amherst haven’t yet.