It’s not just scapegoating. It’s not just projection. It’s hate-goating
The priests of science want us harming each other.
Some of the high priests of the religion of Scientism preach hate, not love.
Peter Hotez is one. He has 50,000 tweets to his credit. Or maybe they are to his publicist’s credit? Does he have any credibility? Has he produced anything besides hot air? Yet he seeks to replace Tony the Godfather at NIAID. And develop new COVID vaccines, among others.
‘Devout Christian,’ retired NIH Director and current Biden science advisor Francis Collins is also spewing hatred of those who didn’t march in lockstep and bow down to his false gods.
Hotez says we killed 200,000 Americans. Collins says we (the misinformation spreaders) killed 300,000. Cause we talked them into avoiding the vaccine. Can you believe it?
Please help me talk back to these two criminals who are deliberately trying to divide us for the kill.
An estimated 300,000 people died because they passed over “a free, safe, and effective vaccine” after misinformation clouded their judgment, he added. “Our culture war is killing people” and misinformation, often spread over social media, is at least partially to blame…
Misinformation is “contagious,” Collins said, especially in our current environment where everyone has split into “tribes” of like-minded people that influence their perspective…