Speaker bios for Food and Ag symposium

And additional resources they have provided

Symposium link: http://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-attack-on-food-symposium/

PARTICIPANTS and extra info for our viewers

in alphabetical order

Alexis Baden-Mayer

Alexis Baden-Mayer is a lawyer who has worked since 2005 as the Political Director of the Organic Consumers Association, a network of more than 1 million activists committed to creating a healthy, just, democratic and regenerative food system. Alexis is a key organizer of some of OCA’s most popular campaigns, including the “Monsanto Makes Us Sick” campaign to ban Roundup. Alexis isn’t afraid to put her body on the line to call attention to the crisis in our food system. In 2014, the US Health Freedom Congress awarded Alexis a Health Freedom Award for direct actions she’s taken that resulted in her arrest, including shutting down the National Organic Standards Board meeting to protest the weakening of organic standards and entering the White House grounds to deliver a petition to First Lady Michelle Obama in support of GMO labels, one of Barack Obama’s unfulfilled campaign pledges. Alexis’s proudest moment as an activist came in 2016 when Bernie Sanders tweeted a CSPAN video clip of her dumping “Monsanto Money” on the Senate floor to protest the corrupting influence of money in politics. Prior to COVID, Alexis was focused on Farm Bill reform and advocating for a Green New Deal that recognized regenerative organic agriculture as an essential climate solution. Since COVID, Alexis has been investigating the origins of SARS-CoV-2 in “gain-of-function research,” a euphemism for genetically engineered bioweapons. She quickly learned that COVID wasn’t the first Plandemic. Precursors include the West African Ebola crisis of 2014, the 2001 anthrax attacks on the U.S. Senate (traced by the FBI back to U.S. biological weapons labs at Fort Detrick), and the 1976 swine flu scamdemic, the first time a pharmaceutical company, Merck (which launched the U.S. biological weapons program under President Franklin Roosevelt) was granted liability protections for a vaccine. Alexis is currently exposing the merging of the agribusiness, pharmaceutical and biological weapons industries evidenced by the merger of Bayer and Monsanto, as well as the recent purchase of Metabiota by Ginkgo Bioworks. Alexis is the host of Good Vibes Healing with Dr. Henry Ealy and The New MDS: Mothers, Doctors & Scientists with Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America, Dr. Michelle Perro and Dr. Stephanie Seneff. Alexis is a board member of the Virginia Chapter of Children’s Health Defense and a volunteer with COVIDorigins.org and CHD affiliate Health Choice Maryland.

OCA’s Facebook:


OCA’s Twitter:

OCA’s YouTube:


OCA’s Rokfin:


OCA’s Rumble:


OCA’s Stop Weaponizing Pathogens Campaign:

Stop Weaponizing Pathogens

Alexis’s Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame:

‘Gain-of-Function’ Hall of Shame

Alexis’s Substack:


Alexis’s Twitter:

Benjamin Banks-Dobson

Ben Dobson is the founder and president of Hudson Carbon where he facilitates the implementation of regenerative organic food and agro-ecological systems that provide healthy food for people, and positive ecological outcomes. Born on an organic farm in Hillsdale, New York, and has twenty years of experience operating organic farms at various scales in many settings.

From 2014 through 2020 Ben planned, implemented, and managed the transition of three thousand acres of conventional farmland in New York’s Hudson Valley to a regenerative organic grain and livestock system. This work resulted in the development of a local and organic grain supply chain that plays a critical role in the local food system in the Hudson Valley and western New England.

In 2018 Ben co-founded Hudson Hemp, demonstrating a regenerative organic model to the hemp industry and an important new crop to farms in his region. He continues his work with Hudson Hemp as a member of the board.

These experiences have informed the development of Hudson Carbon and its ability to use scientific methodologies to quantify and value the ecosystem services provided by regenerative organic farms and ecosystems as a means to bring financial value to these critical ecological assets.

Ben lives in Sheffield, Massachusetts with his wife Nalise Dobson and their five children.

Hudson Carbon


James Corbett

The Corbett Report is edited, webmastered, written, produced and hosted by James Corbett.

An award-winning investigative journalist, James Corbett has lectured on geopolitics at the University of Groningen’s Studium Generale, and delivered presentations on open source journalism at The French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation’s fOSSa conference, at TedXGroningen and at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.

He started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. Since then he has written, recorded and edited thousands of hours of audio and video media for the website, including a podcast and several regular online video series.

The Corbett Report


John Day, M.D.

John Day M.D. is a 64 year old Family Practice doctor, who has devoted his career to public health, including work on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, Rural Texas, Rural Hawaii, /inpatient Psychiatry in the Texas State Hospital System, and Obstetrics, including teaching and supervising Family Practice Physicians in Training as an Obstetrical Fellow and a Family Practice Faculty Member. He is the grateful Husband of Jenny, a School Librarian, Proud Father of four young adults: Holly, an Internal Medicine Physician, Steve and Jim, both Engineers, and Amber, who is a Mathemagician, with two Masters Degrees, and is who getting paid to do a PhD in Statistics. He was an early treating physician at his federally qualified public health clinic in Austin, initially using hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc and vitamin-D, until forbidden to prescribe hydroxychloroquine in August 2020, when the first good medical-studiy on ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline, with vitamin-D came out from Bangladesh, and he was able to treat people with that effective combination. He was fired for COVID “vaccine” refusal on moral grounds, the creation of a lesser class of humans, while planting the winter vegetables in the garden he kept for his coworkers at the clinic, in October 2021. https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/10/go-down-gardening.html He has been vegetable gardening since 2013, and has worked out a flexible succession-rotation gardening protocol , which helps keep pests and disease from building up in the beds, and puts some nitrogen into each bed every third year.

Since being fired he has been building in the “dream house” he designed and general contracted on, since the basic external structure was completed in early 2022. He learned a lot and it’s now “finished”. He bogs at drjohnsblog.substack.com as well as the original Google blog, which Google sometimes censors.

1) Deciding Where To Grow Vegetables:

Dr. John’s Blog
Deciding Where To Grow Vegetables
Deciding Where To Grow Vegetables: Your kitchen garden should be as close to your kitchen as possible. You will see what is ready to harvest and cook, and you will see weeds that need pulling, and what the garden needs. It’s also very nice to look at your vegetables growing…
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2) Preparing Your Kitchen Garden:

Dr. John’s Blog
Preparing Your Kitchen Garden
Part 2: Preparing Your Kitchen Garden After you have located a garden area that will have adequate light, a good southern exposure to the sun, dig all the way around the perimeter with a sharp shovel, to determine if there are tree roots entering your garden patch. If there are and you cut through them with the shovel, they will grow back next year. If…
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3) Growing Food:

Dr. John’s Blog
Growing Food
Part 3: Growing Food In central Texas, climate zones 8 and 9, I can grow some food in the winter such as brassicas, the cabbage family, including kale, broccoli, collard greens and cabbage, but I really just get the broccoli greens, not big florets. Brussels sprouts need more sunlight, and head cabbage needs more sunlight than we get in winter. To prod…
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Mark Fulford

Independent Farmer, Farm Consultant & Boots-on-the-Ground Trouble Shooter and Ag Educator

Farming In Waldo County, Maine since 1979.

Working till present promoting alternatives to mainstream agriculture in service of food sovereignty and soil repair.

Currently developing Systems of Crop Intensification with local and global organizations while mentoring new farmers.

Presenter, field researcher, and writer for revealing and healing the many missteps of corporate driven agriculture.

Providing field days for hands on agricultural skills.

Active throughout US and Puerto Rico,

Globally travelled and self educated to bring truth and fresh approaches to farmers seeking self determination and farm integrity.

Dedicated to exposing the willful destruction of our soils, water sheds, local and global food supplies. Promoting the removal of middlemen and agency interference as farmers seek to tell the real story of food production to consumers .

System of Rice Intensification


Mark on System of Crop Intensification:

Soil Workshop with Mark

Zen Honeycutt

Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America, an 11 year old non-profit National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms. With the motto “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids,” Moms Across America grew rapidly in just the first five years, with over 600 leaders that created 1,000+ community events in all 50 states to raise awareness about GMOs, toxins in the food supply and the benefits of organic.

Zen has three boys with allergies and autism symptoms which greatly improved when they went GMO-Free and organic. She shared her journey in her book UNSTOPPABLE, Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and Celebration of Community published in both the USA and Japan.

Zen instigated the first consumer-funded glyphosate testing in America which sparked policy change in over 60 countries and hundreds of cities and towns in America. Costco stopped selling Roundup after MAA supporters petitioned them, and Monsanto, after years of consumer activism and lawsuits, has paid out over 12 billion dollars to plaintiffs. Zen is a firm believer that consumer activism makes a difference and her organization works to empower community leaders to be global game changers

Zen was also the director of a short film called “Communities Rising” and recently launched a new non-profit pilot program called “The Neighborhood Food Network” to create national food security, one street at a time.

Beverly Johansson

Beverley Johansson is not your typical farmer! She started growing vegetables at the age of 60, with no prior gardening experience.

Beverley grew up in the UK and Australia, studied Psychology at London University and took

her MBA at Harvard Business School. She worked at Esso Petroleum in the UK and ran her own headhunting company in Sweden.

In 2017, she and her husband moved to a small town north of Stockholm, Sweden, where they decided to learn about growing vegetables. They run a 500 sq m vegetable garden, have egg laying chickens and are now self-sufficient in fruit, vegetables and eggs.


Sara Woods Kender

Sara Woods Kender is a NH native, Clinical Herbalist, Reiki Master. She lives in an off-grid homestead with her husband of 22 years, two daughters, two Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and lots of chickens. She is an avid wild forager of medicinal plants and mushrooms and owns and operates an herbal Apothecary in her community. She has been practicing and teaching herbal medicine for over 15 years and specializes in Heart & Circulatory issues, Lyme Dis-ease, digestive issues, and endocrine imbalances. Sara has formulated her own protocol for COVID and has empowered many along their path to health.


Clinical Herbalist

Reiki Master/Teacher

Psychic Medium

Munay-Ki Attuned

Sacred Tree Herbals

169 Daniel Webster Highway, Unit 1

Meredith, NH 03253


André Leu, Ph.D.

Dr. André Leu is the International Director of Regeneration International, an organization that promotes food, farming, and land-use systems that regenerate and stabilize climate systems, the health of the planet, and people. Regeneration International has over 500 partners in 70 countries and works with numerous agricultural systems such as agroecology, organic, permaculture, ecological agriculture, holistic grazing, biological agriculture, organic agriculture, and agroforestry.

André is an expert in these fields, having spent over 50 years as an organic farmer specializing in tropical fruits. He has also spent more than 45 years working and visiting countries in the development of new crop systems across Asia, Europe, North American, South America, and Africa.

Andre has published three books entitled ‘Growing Life,’ ‘Poisoning our Children’ and the ‘Myths of Safe Pesticides,’

He has published extensively in magazines, newspapers, scientific journals, conference proceedings,

newsletters, and websites and numerous media interviews for TV, radio, and online systems.

He lectures and teaches at universities, institutions, and workshops worldwide. He speaks at conferences, seminars, workshops, and United Nations events on every continent. He meets with governments, United Nations bodies, industry, farmers, consumers, and NGOs on the multi-functional benefits of regenerative agriculture.


Doctorate of Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Rajamangala University of Technology, Chonburi, Thailand, 2022

Graduate Diploma in Adult Education, University of Technology Sydney, 1992

Bachelor of Arts Communications, with a Double Major in Social-Political Theory and Video Production, University of Technology Sydney, 1989

André and his wife Julia live on their organic tropical fruit farm in Daintree, Australia.


Bonnie Mallard, Ph.D.

Dr. Mallard is Professor of Immunology and Immunogenetics, Dept Pathobiology, at the University of Guelph, Canada CEO ImmunoCeutica Inc (www.immunoceutica.ca)

Areas of expertise: With an undergraduate degree in agriculture, an MSc in quantitative genetics and animal breeding, along with a PhD in immunogenetics, Professor Mallard is well positioned to discuss the impact of genetic and genomic regulation of the immune system on resistance to infectious disease in mammals. Her research focuses mainly on preventative approaches to improve health that are sustainable for the environment and that enhance both human and animal well-being.

Dr. Mallard’s faculty awards include: Pzifer Award for Research Excellence, the World Dairy Expo Innovation Award for Immunity+/High Immune Response (HIRTM) Technology, the Zoetis Research Award for work in immunogenetics and the University of Guelph 30 Years of Service recognition. In 2017, Professor Mallard won the prestigious Canada’s Governor General’s Award for Innovation in recognition of the High Immune Response technology. In 2018, she received the University of Guelph Innovation of the Year Award, the YMCA Women of Distinction Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2018, along with the Semex Alliance they won the best new product award for the genomics test for HIR, called Immunity female in the Elevate platform, as well as the Summit Award in 2019 for the Crushing Disease campaign with Immunity+. Dr Mallard was the 2020-21 winner of the prestigious NSERC Synergy Prize making her the first Canadian to have won both the Governor General’s Award and the NSERC Synergy Prize for innovations in the area of immunogenetics.

Education: BSc, MSc (Quantitative Genetics and Immunology), and PhD (Immunogenetics)


U.S. Representative Thomas Massie

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie entered Congress in November 2012 after serving as Lewis County Judge Executive. He represents Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District which stretches across Northern Kentucky and 280 miles of the Ohio River.

U.S. Representative Massie attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. During school, he invented a technology that enabled people to interact with computers using their sense of touch and leveraged that technology to found SensAble Technologies, Inc., which raised over $32 million of venture capital, created 70 jobs, and obtained 29 patents. The hardware and software he developed is now used to design automobiles, jewelry, shoes, dental prosthetics, and even reconstructive implants for wounded soldiers.

In Congress, Thomas serves on two committees: the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and the House Judiciary Committee.

The House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure has jurisdiction over roads, bridges, mass transit, railroads, aviation, maritime and waterborne transit. The Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over laws that affect intellectual property, industrial hemp, civil liberties, firearms, and other topics that were among the reasons Thomas ran for Congress!

Thomas lives on a cattle farm in Kentucky with his wife and high school sweetheart, Rhonda, and they have four children.

He’s honored to be able to serve the citizens of Kentucky’s 4th District.

Joe Mercola, D.O.

Dr. Mercola is a board certified family physician who is passionate about natural healing and exposing the fraud and corruption in the medical field. He founded the most visited natural health site on the web, Mercola.com 26 years ago and has authored 17 bestselling books.


Meryl Nass, M.D.

Meryl Nass is a physician and researcher who proved the world’s largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine, investigated Gulf War Syndrome, and challenged the FBI’s investigation of the anthrax letters. She has given 6 Congressional testimonies and many testimonies to state legislatures on bioterrorism, vaccine safety, COVID and public health. She has consulted for the World Bank, the Cuban Ministry of Health and the Director of National Intelligence.

Her medical license was suspended in 2022 for prescribing COVID medications and and for allegedly spreading misinformation.



Heather Retberg

Heather Retberg is a farmer at Quill’s End Farm in Penobscot, Maine, which she stewards together with her family. At Quill’s End, the farming philosophy is simple: “All Flesh is Grass. All Grass is Soil.” Additionally, she has served as a lead advocate for food sovereignty in Maine to protect legal space for traditional foodways and to ensure the right to food. She co-authored and advocated for local ordinances to ensure food sovereignty and food freedom that have now been adopted by 20% of Maine’s municipalities. She co-authored, advocated for, and organized toward the passage of the Maine Food Sovereignty Act, which recognizes local control over food exchanges enacted by Maine’s legislature in 2017. Together with Senator Craig Hickman, she co-authored Maine’s constitutional amendment, now Article 25 of Maine’s Declaration of Rights, enshrining the right to food in the first state constitution in the country. She worked for 6 years towards its passage in the state legislature and was the principal officer of the Right to Food for Maine campaign when it went to Maine’s ballot in 2021. She has worked intensively with her local and state Granges toward collaboratively rebuilding agriculture infrastructure and cultural, historical knowledge about food and farming.

She serves on the board of Food for Maine’s Future and is the principal organizer of Local Food RULES, which promotes a revolution in thinking and action about who should control our local food systems.


Abby Rockefeller

Abby Rockefeller is a long time organic grower and recently the maker of a raw milk dairy.

Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and MS, EE and PhD degrees from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, glyphosate, and the mineral, sulfur. Since 2008, she has authored over three dozen peer-reviewed journal papers on these topics. She is the author of a book on glyphosate, titled “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment,” which was released by Chelsea Green publishers on July 1 2021. This book was selected by Kirkus Reviews as one of the best non-fiction books of 2021.


Patrick Wood

Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Transhumanism and Technocracy.

He is the author of The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism (2022), Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order (2018), Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.


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