The incentives for doctors got much higher for a) recalcitrant patients and b) higher percentages taking a COVID shot–up to $250 per patient!!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this
an unsatisfying, bureaucratic conclusion for now
an unsatisfying, bureaucratic conclusion for now
Hugely important info if you have not already looked at these books by RFK Jr., Robert Malone and Ed Dowd
Hugely important info if you have not already looked at these books by RFK Jr., Robert Malone and Ed Dowd
Just added one
Just added one
Original URL: URLs below will get you to the hearing. Thanks for watching and supporting me. Day 2 starts at 9 am on October 25 and I will post the livestream location as soon as I can. By law this is a public hearing, which is why the hearing officer permitted it to be…
Thanks to ZeroHedge and a brain-dead narcissist for a (pre) confession
Thanks to ZeroHedge and a brain-dead narcissist for a (pre) confession
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said it would take only 5 mutations (and he said we know which ones) to turn it into a disease of humans. He said he could create this in the lab.
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said it would take only 5 mutations (and he said we know which ones) to turn it into a disease of humans. He said he could create this in the lab.