My talk on Solutions to the speakers at the International COVID Summit (9 slides)
from gardening to spray painting robots to a new system of law
from gardening to spray painting robots to a new system of law
Our conversation was wide-ranging. Hope you enjoy it.
Our conversation was wide-ranging. Hope you enjoy it.
Original URL: In the year since it launched at COP26, the Global Methane Pledge has generated unprecedented momentum for methane action. Country endorsements of the GMP have grown from just over 100 last year to 150, more than 50 countries have developed national methane action plans or are in the process of doing so,…
From 1/1/2020 to 12/13/2024 there were cumulatively 9 reported HUMAN deaths worldwide
From 1/1/2020 to 12/13/2024 there were cumulatively 9 reported HUMAN deaths worldwide
Gee, if they keep finding these cases, the mortality rate will approach zero. Maybe someone should warn the CDC.
Gee, if they keep finding these cases, the mortality rate will approach zero. Maybe someone should warn the CDC.
Original URL:
Crowdsourcing the COVID INDEX. A pdf has been added to provide additional information
Crowdsourcing the COVID INDEX. A pdf has been added to provide additional information