Update: my Board hearing Day 5 (today)

Dr. Faust was cross-examined by my attorney Gene Libby. He continued to waffle, obfuscate, wriggle and roll to try and avoid Board rules and convict me despite the absence of evidence. He also was again insolent, telling my attorney that he would know when he finished answering a question when no sound came from his mouth. Or something close to that.

I think it might be scary to be his underling.

He admitted he was the editor in chief of MedPage Today, but tried to claim that was his ‘title’ but he wasn’t in charge or something. The buck didn’t stop with him, apparently. As if he was not responsible for any of the content, when attorney Libby pointed out the biases in his publication.

To be an expert witness for the Board, he was required to have an active Maine license and practice in the same specialty as me. He also needed to have direct experience of what I do. This comes straight from the Medical Board’s booklet for experts.

Well, he does not have a Maine license. He is not an internal medicine physician, much as he tried to claim that seeing patients in the ER was the same as being an internist with an outpatient practice. (Another fake he tried to pull off last time was that his letter in the BMJ—and I have several letters there myself—was a peer reviewed publication. He wouldn’t let it go, insisting he did not know if his letter was peer-reviewed. Well, I have news for him, having published at least 3 letters there: it isn’t.) The poor guy has no shame.

And because he didn’t want to contradict himself while under oath, Dr. Faust kept asking for his testimony or his report to be read back to him when questioned about things he had said.

And he never gave anyone ivermectin or HCQ for COVID.

3 disqualifiers right there. Then add on his obfuscations and vague answers, and I doubt anyone took him seriously.

I’d like to know how the Board staff lined him up when he did not meet the minimum requirements and charged 4x their maximum amount to review records and write a report. And nearly 3x their max for testimony. Who was fooling who? And he was supposed to notify board staff if he lacked direct experience with my procedures, but it does not seem he notified anyone. Nor does it appear he had any concerns he might be breaking the law in Maine.

Dr. Harvey Risch then testified, and he was like a breath of fresh air cleaning up the fouled air of the hearing. His answers were clear, often simple yeses and noes, and you knew he was totally on top of the material he was discussing, not making it up as he went along.

Everyone agreed I was within my rights to prescribe HCQ and IVM off label, as the FDA Commissioner and HHS Secretary Azar had acknowledged. HCQ is safe in pregnancy; IVM may not be, which is why I did not prescribe it to pregnant ladies.

The medical literature has plenty of support for the use of IVM and HCQ for COVID, despite Faust saying at one point there was NO support for it, and other times saying the support was in ‘poor quality’ articles.

Had this been a real courtroom, the judge would have told the parties that the prosecution’s case has now been blown out of the water. None of their allegations withstood inspection. So let’s just settle up now. And give the Doctor back her license. Let’s stop wasting time.

But it is an administrative proceeding, and everyone in the room besides me and my attorney is paid by the state, by the hour or day, and so we march on toward the next hearing day #

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6 on July 28, 2023.

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