NY Times admits what I have said for 3 years: COVID deaths were over-counted. And still are.

And now COVID has turned into a cold for most everyone.


Now the claim is there are no excess deaths. Will that also turn out to be a fudged statistic? We certainly see young performers and athletes dropping dead in droves. BUT the NYT says deaths in the US are exactly where they were expected to be.

Probably an exaggeration! Why doesn’t CDC count COVID cases and deaths like it counts everything else?

Does the new CDC Director, Mandy Cohen, want to turn the CDC from a propaganda agency into a public health agency? A good start would be publishing the case definitions for COVID deaths and cases, and the definitions for other infectious diseases.

Another great way to show she is a real doctor and not a PR flack would be to publish the disability statistics from before the pandemic to now—disabilities seem to have spiked since 2021.

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