The NY Times chose an interesting graphic to illustrate an update on the Prigozhin crash
Someone at the NYT thinks to leave breadcrumbs
Someone at the NYT thinks to leave breadcrumbs
It won’t force lockdowns onto the public, but it will impose new international law obligations on Britain" [Actually it could force lockdowns too--Nass]
It won’t force lockdowns onto the public, but it will impose new international law obligations on Britain” [Actually it could force lockdowns too–Nass]
This substack today reached 1200 paid subscribers!
This substack today reached 1200 paid subscribers!
According to my memory, this is quite accurate
According to my memory, this is quite accurate
On the false narratives and the deadly vaccines
On the false narratives and the deadly vaccines
Sasha provided the time stamps, thankfully. I included my slides as one did not come through on the video.
Sasha provided the time stamps, thankfully. I included my slides as one did not come through on the video.