The bribes are back to push the vacc
Warn your friends
Warn your friends
BOLIM moves further along the Soviet path. When will they ever learn?
BOLIM moves further along the Soviet path. When will they ever learn?
Straight party-line vote, with all 14 R Senators voting AYE and all 13 Democrats voting NAY
Straight party-line vote, with all 14 R Senators voting AYE and all 13 Democrats voting NAY
STAT has no additional information on the patient. Even though the Privacy Act no longer applies after death, info on her age, co-morbidities and causes of death are being withheld
Original URL: Judge Delivers Major Blow to Biden Admin in Social Media Censorship Case A federal judge has made a historic ruling by partially granting an injunction that blocks various Biden administration officials and government agencies like the Justice Department and the FBI from working with big tech firms to censor posts on…
Original URL: Beyond Catastrophe A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View By David Wallace-Wells You can never really see the future, only imagine it, then try to make sense of the new world when it arrives. Just a few years ago, climate projections for this century looked quite apocalyptic, with most scientists…
This is an annual conference hosted by James Fetzer, and I will speak about many things, and how conspiracy theories are now undoubtedly truth. It is online and can be viewed later. It is FREE.
This is an annual conference hosted by James Fetzer, and I will speak about many things, and how conspiracy theories are now undoubtedly truth. It is online and can be viewed later. It is FREE.