I will be live on Del Bigtee’s The Highwire, Aug 31. In case you like watching in real time.

And 2 new documents for my myocarditis timeline--the FDA/CDC race against time to damage and kill kids for fun and profit

What did our public health agencies know, and when did they know it? And why did they carry on with the shots for children, despite knowing at the latest by end July 2021 that they did not prevent cases or transmission? Who called the shots?!!?

Feb. 28, 2021: Israel asks other public health agencies if they are also noticing high rates of myocarditis in teens and young adults after the shot. Since 80% of cases occurred within 4 days of the 2nd injection at that point, the link to vaccination was obvious. Feds had to know by then, if not earlier, to be looking carefully at the myocarditis data coming into their ~20 different databases, which were allegedly being scoured to identify vaccine adverse events..

April 25, 2021: The myocarditis story reached the wire services and was on TV in Israel. But most Americans were kept in the dark.

May 10, 2021: FDA authorizes the vaccine for adolescents despite knowing of the risk.

May 14, 2021: CDC claims in the MMWR that there are no specific safety signals. Quick, vaccinate those kiddies! Massachusetts repeats the claim.

May 24, 2021: ABC-TV reports 18 myocarditis cases in young people in Connecticut, a small state.

June 23, 2021: CDC’s Dr. Tom Shimabukuro finally found a signal for myocarditis in young people —he tells the audience at a CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting that the rate could be 100 times or more what would be expected from chance..

November 1992: But Ralph Baric could have told you his experimental coronaviruses caused myocarditis 30 years ago. Do you think he hid this from his very generous funders in DHHS? I doubt it…

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