US contributions to the WHO for the past ten years
Assessed refers to dues that must be paid, and voluntary contributions are usually related to specific program requirements the US and other donors impose.
Assessed refers to dues that must be paid, and voluntary contributions are usually related to specific program requirements the US and other donors impose.
Here's another name to add to the list of the very top people employing public health to cement the globalist agenda.
Here’s another name to add to the list of the very top people employing public health to cement the globalist agenda.
My talk at the Alaskans for Personal Freedom Conference yesterday
My talk at the Alaskans for Personal Freedom Conference yesterday
CDC's count: now up to 14 mild human cases in the US. We the people need to spread the word so the globalist authorities become too scared to release a souped up bird flu onto the world
CDC’s count: now up to 14 mild human cases in the US. We the people need to spread the word so the globalist authorities become too scared to release a souped up bird flu onto the world
This is the white paper we needed
This is the white paper we needed
Original URL: treaty from the UN system is adopted without a vote. More evidence that the US may want to exit this undemocratic system. As we expected, even though opponents have been warning that the United Nations Convention Against Cybercrime needed to have a narrower scope, strong human rights safeguard and be more…
And links to two more articles detailing troubling features of the treaty, particularly regarding sexualization of children
And links to two more articles detailing troubling features of the treaty, particularly regarding sexualization of children