30 minute briefing for members of the Pandemic Response Committee before their hearing at 2 pm ET today. Held yesterday.

Sorry about some last-minute changes in the schedule

The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O.: 

From Health Advisor to Global Dictator

Washington, D.C.—On Tuesday, December 12, from 2:00-3:00 pm ET, the Sovereignty Coalition hosted a virtual briefing for Members of the U.S. House Oversight Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (SC-CVP)and their staff regarding “The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O.: From Health Advisor to Global Dictator,” Frank Gaffney and Reggie Littlejohn with Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Kat Lindley, Valerie Borek, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Kris Ullman.

This panel was hosted in advance of the U.S. Select Committee on the Corona Virus Pandemic hearing with officials from Health and Human Services, the State Department, and USAID set for 2 pm ET, Wednesday, December 13.

WHAT: We will present the SovCo briefing, “The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O.: From Health Advisor to Global Dictator,” with formal remarks for the first 30 minutes and host questions during the second half hour.

WATCH: Watch the 32:18 video HERE


Moderator: Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Co-founder, The Sovereignty Coalition 

• Topic: The WHO, Digital IDs, “One Health” and the Biotech Surveillance State


Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., Founder, Door to Freedom; Scientific Adviser, Children’s Health Defense

• Topic: Who Runs and Funds the WHO, and to What End?

Dr. Kat Lindley, Co-founder, Global Health Project

• Topic: Medicine, one size fits all

Valerie Borek, Esq., Associate Director and Lead Policy Analyst for Stand for Health Freedom

• Topic: “The importance—and dangers—of the International Health Regulations”

Kristen Ullman, Esq., President, Eagle Forum

• Topic: American families need Congress to Stop the WHO

Catherine Austin Fitts, Fmr Assistant Secretary of Housing & Urban Development; Founder, Solari, Inc.

• Topic: Our Choice: Constitutional and Financial Freedoms vs WHO Membership


American Freedom Alliance

Children’s Health Defense

Committee on the Present Danger: China

Family Research Council

Door to Freedom

Eagle Forum

Global Health Project

Sovereignty Coalition 

Stand for Health Freedom

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers

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