The Billionaires’ Revolution, by Shahid Bolsen and featured by Scott Creighton
“Well, there’s basically been like a worldwide billionaires revolution going on for the past several years or for decades, really. They’ve taken a very methodical, gradual approach, but overall, a constant advancement that has broken down nearly all resistance. And step by step, uh, they have overthrown the former systems of authority that we have always known in the world, governance as we’ve always known it, and they’ve installed themselves, as the supreme rulers over the US, over Europe, and over the developing world, their revolution, the billionaires revolution has progressed, as I said, through stages, and it’s possible to identify, uh, many of the key victories that helped them achieve, uh, what they’ve achieved and enabled them to reach the point at which they are today.
Things like the creation of the Bretton Woods economic system, the creation of the IMF and the World Bank and the,, WTO, things like NAFTA, and other free trade agreements, the deregulation of banking, The Citizens United, uh, decision by the Supreme Court. The enactment of laws, uh, for unrestricted corporate political donations.
Even the creation of the European Union and the creation of the eurozone, all of these things are significant triumphs in the global coup by the 1%. And within specific countries, you can also identify, Uh, important victories that they’ve achieved as well. I mean, anytime a country takes a loan from the IMF or the World Bank or any other international so called development bank. Uh, and then they begin to implement the macroeconomic reforms that are always recommended or demanded, stipulated, uh, in the loan agreements. Are victories for the 1%.
That’s victories for this billionaires revolution. You know? Like in in Egypt, for example, the loan that they took And then the law that they imposed banning third party opposition to investor activity, the cutting of food subsidies, food and fuel subsidies in Egypt and in other countries that have succumbed to the IMF. All of these represent successes for the a revolution of the 1%. I think it’s vital for us to understand that, uh, what is happening is a revolution against state sovereignty and political authority.
And at this project of the 1%, if you wanna call it that, the owners and controllers of global financialized capital, this project moves forward By means of key events, it’s not something that’s inevitable. It’s not some sort of natural disaster that cannot be anticipated, uh, resisted or thwarted. Certain things have happened which have allowed it to triumph, and certain things are still being pursued, And we can do something about those things. We can anticipate those things. We can respond to those things preemptively.
We have to recognize this so that we can identify any upcoming events or plans, uh, steps that they’re going to wanna take, uh, that will consolidate their power and compound our subjugation. Once we identify these things, then we can organize ourselves and adopt a strategy that will turn those events in our favor because they are turning points. They will either be victories for them or victories for us depending on what we do about it.” Shahid Bolsen