Jeffrey Sachs today and yesterday. Quotes from the Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statements

Chaired by Jeffrey Sachs. The agenda was only too obvious. Jeffrey the globalist carrier of dirty water and architect of the rape of Russia is now polishing his resume as an anti-imperialist.

Jeffrey now is positioning himself as an anti-globalist on the issue of the US’ imperialist wars. Damn those dirty capitalists. Read his fiery diatribe against the evil imperialistic warmongering cabal:

He is also suddenly anti-propaganda:

Special measures are needed to keep the people away from decision making.

In theory, foreign policy is carried out in the interest of the American people, though the opposite is the truth.

The first such measure is unrelenting propaganda. George Orwell nailed it in 1984 when “the Party” suddenly switched the foreign enemy from Eurasia to Eastasia without a word of explanation. The US essentially does the same.

Then compare with the slightly earlier professor Sachs 3 years ago. Back then he was 100% a globalist tool:

“Practical solutions [include]…rebuilding the world economy in an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable way that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement.”

“To protect against zoonoses, we require new precautions, such as ending deforestation and protecting conservation areas and endangered species.”

“Countries should not rely on herd immunity by natural infection to suppress the epidemic…. Uncertainty also remains about the duration of acquired immunity from past infections.”

“When it is not safe to open schools, countries and localities should aim to implement online education accessible to all students.”

“We call on governments to prioritise advice from the professional public health community, working in cooperation with international agencies and learning from the best practices of other nations. All countries should combat decisions based on rumour-mongering and misinformation. Leaders should desist from expressing personal viewpoints that are at odds with science.”

“We call on all relevant UN agencies to take concrete steps with the digital industry and governments to accelerate universal access to digital services, including public–private financing to extend connectivity to hard-to-reach populations.”

“Now, more than ever, is the time for countries to meet their commitments to providing 0·7% of gross domestic product as official development aid.”

“Public investment should be oriented towards sustainable industries and the digital economy”

“The EU Green Deal, long-term budget (2021–27), and new recovery fund marks an exemplary framework for long-term recovery, including mid-century goals on climate safety, energy transition, and circular economy, with a comprehensive €1·8 trillion budget. This approach can serve as an exemplar for other regions. In general, recoveries should be smart (based on digital technologies), inclusive (targeting lower-income households), and sustainable (featuring investments in clean energy and reduced pollution).”

Let’s look at what Sachs’ Lancet COVID Commission was saying about vaccines in March 2021. Almost all the COVID Commission’s writing had to do with promoting COVID vaccinations. Note that coauthors of this statement included Sarah Gilbert and Peter Hotez, each of whom were COVID vaccine inventors and they seem to have had inside knowledge about mandates.

Health freedom: An emerging anxiety is a fear that mandates or forced vaccinations might be imminent globally. In the US, “health freedom” objections against vaccines required for school entry accelerated beginning in 2015, especially in California and Texas [[5]]. This led to significant increases in vaccine exemptions culminating in measles epidemics. In 2020, health freedom movements expanded to include protests against social distancing and face masks, eventually extending to Western European capitals hosting large anti-vaccine and anti-mask rallies [[5]]. Currently, no COVID-19 vaccination mandates are anticipated for the general or civilian public [[8]], although we cannot exclude potential downstream requirements for military personnel or for some college or university students living in dormitories, similar to some mandates for meningococcal meningitis immunizations.

“Genetically Modified Humans”: The early successes of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine approaches incited claims from antivaccine groups that this constitutes genetic manipulation. It alleges vaccination will insert foreign genes into our genome. Adopting the language from genetically modified organisms(GMO), vaccine critical groups have sensationalized the idea of the vaccine creating “genetically modified humans”(GMH). In fact, the mRNA from these vaccines enters human cells and translates into polypeptides in the cytoplasm and not the nucleus. (Did they not know about the DNA plasmids or were they dissembling?—Nass) Moreover, while overexpression of LINE-1 or HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in HEK cell lines in vitro can produce cellular DNA corresponding to COVID-19 virus sequences [[9]], there is no evidence that this finding has relevance to human clinical medicine.

In September 2021, all the experts knew the vaccines failed to prevent transmission or cases. (See my citations for information dated late July and early August 2021 from the CDC and the CDC Director on this here.) So what did the Lancet COVID Commission do in September 2021 to keep the vaccine ball rolling? Their language pivoted in a very clever, evil misdirection that few if any readers would understand:

The vaccines released through EUA are showing high levels of protective efficacy against symptomatic illness caused by original SARS-CoV-2 strain(s).

(The vaccine propagandists know how to turn lemons into lemonade. And so the super-rapid waning of efficacy was used to create the frequent booster narrative. And now some of the least savvy people are up to their 8th jab. And knowing the vaccines did not prevent cases and transmission, the vaccinators pretended deep ethical concerns for the poorest among us, see below—Nass)

Achieving both balance and equity also requires adequate and sustainable financing, enhanced multilateral vaccine diplomacy, and overcoming vaccine hesitancy and misinformation [[16]]. Still another threat includes a troubling erosion in vaccine confidence in Africa and the African diaspora (and other groups) due to structural racism, past atrocities, specific targeting by exploitative antivaccine organizations [[64]], and a complex array of additional factors as well as in the US, in Europe, in Brazil, targeting indigenous groups in the Amazon and in India where misinformation campaigns have also been rampant [[65},[66]. The COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics ecosystem is historic for its visionary consideration of health equity. This did not happen by accident. Instead, it reflects extraordinary leadership from selected governments, partners, and champions from academia, NGOs, and civil societies.

The old Jeffrey Sachs (and this from only 16 months ago) hated the First Amendment. He is the first author of a really disturbing report, which I have screenshot so you know I am not exaggerating:

Here is some worthwhile info from this article, unrelated to Sachs, revealing that Fauci’s NIAID stood to get plenty in royalties from the COVID vaccines:

At least since the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome, the US Government has been actively involved in researching betacoronaviruses and potential vaccines against the diseases they cause. A 2021 study estimates that the NIH spent $17·171 billion between 2000 and 2019 on vaccine platforms, of which an estimated $943 million was spent on mRNA vaccines and another $757 million was spent on vaccines targeting diseases caused by betacoronaviruses.425 US Government funding for clinical trials of the Moderna vaccine totaled an additional $4·9 billion in 2020.426. The NIH has long funded crucial bench research at the University of Pennsylvania that led to the use of a modified amino acid (pseudouridine) in the mRNA formulation of both the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines.

Here Sachs, always the money man, calls for all the money donated for global health to be consolidated under the WHO:

The current proliferation of special health funds needs to be rationalised within a single global fund that is closely linked with WHO. The spread of small vertical health funds has become unmanageable, with many key functions slipping through the cracks. In addition to the Global Fund and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, the World Bank Group hosts the Global Financing Facility in support of Every Woman Every Child and the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility for pandemic response. WHO has a Contingency Fund for Emergencies. The Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility and the Contingency Fund for Emergencies were established during the 2014–15 Ebola outbreak in west Africa. The COVAX Facility is part of the ACT Accelerator, which is co-managed by WHO, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, UNICEF, and a few partners. These multiple funds weaken the international response capacity in health emergencies.

Here Sachs calls for more power for the WHO and support for the pandemic treaty and IHR:

Here he calls for more money fro the WHO:

Now he calls for One Health and the rest of the phony measures for pandemics. He opens the Overton window a crack to include lab leaks, carefully avoiding mention of the possibility of deliberate release. Of course, WHO is to be the “coordinating power.”

Need I say more? Below is from the 2023 New Yorker:

…in recent years, Sachs has become outspoken on a broad sweep of geopolitical topics, from the war in Ukraine (he wants the West to negotiate a solution immediately) to China’s repression of the Uyghur population (he thinks the use of the term “genocide” is mistaken). He has also blamed Anthony Fauci for the role played by the U.S. public-health apparatus in funding research abroad, in part because he thinks COVID-19 originated in “U.S. lab biotechnology.”

It’s an interesting chapter for a man who was best known, for many years, as a member of the American establishment. (Thirty years ago, the Times called him “probably the most important economist in the world,” for his role in pushing post-Soviet Russia to adopt “shock therapy.”) Since then, Sachs has advised multiple U.N. Secretaries-General…

I just discovered that my friend David Bell wrote an excellent Opinion piece on the vacuity, astonishing absence of public health knowledge and its benefits to the business interests that own the Lancet of the Lancet COVID Commission report.

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