This post incorrectly described an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts conducted by Greg Hunter. I sincerely apologize for this mistake.
I am taking down the post
I am taking down the post
Original URL: Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty? By David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh. If it is indeed the case that our authorities and their supporters within the public health community consider that powers currently vested within national jurisdictions should be given over to external bodies…
This is worth understanding so bear with me
This is worth understanding so bear with me
Doctors and researchers who critically investigate and speak out about the harmful consequences of the Covid policies or other related issues have experienced professional cancellation, Dr. Nass says.
Doctors and researchers who critically investigate and speak out about the harmful consequences of the Covid policies or other related issues have experienced professional cancellation, Dr. Nass says.
In other words, the whole pandemic preparedness escapade is a sham, based on fake "spillover" and denying lab origin of COVID, misrepresentation of the data on pandemics. Kinda like climate change 2.0
In other words, the whole pandemic preparedness escapade is a sham, based on fake “spillover” and denying lab origin of COVID, misrepresentation of the data on pandemics. Kinda like climate change 2.0
And what is in the Monkeypox care kit
And what is in the Monkeypox care kit
Mostly about the WHO, but also my case and a few other things. I also spoke at the Brownstone Institute monthly dinner Wednesday night
Mostly about the WHO, but also my case and a few other things. I also spoke at the Brownstone Institute monthly dinner Wednesday night