My interview tonight with Dr. Drew–worth sharing with people unfamiliar with the topic of the WHO

People say I was clear, to the point, complete

Naomi Wolf went first. I came in at 30 minutes and lasted until the end of the show. Dr. Drew gave me plenty of time to say what I needed to about what was going on at the WHO. I also posed the “chicken or egg” question—which came first? Which was conceived of first? Was the virus released to get the vaccine? Was the vaccine also intended to justify the vax passport? Did the vax passport include a digital ID and a digital wallet just for ha-ha’s? Was the pandemic an excuse to centralize control of health and information under the WHO? Is the WHO the justification to formalize and legalize untested, unlicensed vaccines without liability? For the ENTIRE WORLD because…equity? And is the WHO the excuse for unleashing the age of pandemics?

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