Netherlands government states that providing documentary evidence on its reservation (or not) submitted to the WHO re the 2022 IHR amendments could interfere with its diplomatic relations

If they never made a reservation then there would be no document. But there is a document and it is being withheld

I had to use google translate on this response to a FOIA request from a Dutch citizen. The Dutch government says their FOIA search (which was very specific to the matter at hand) revealed a single document. And they have decided not to reveal it because it could interfere with the Netherlands’ relations with the WHO or other countries.

Sounds to me like an admission that the Netherlands acted in its own interests and refused some part (or all) of the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations. But it kept this quiet. Because there was a gentleman’s agreement that all the NATO countries or the EU countries or the West or some subset were all going to march in lockstep, and just go along? But then Netherlands did its own thing? And doesn’t want anyone to know?

I heard a rumor that the person who made the admission that a reservation had been issued, in Parliament last August (answering a member’s question) was reprimanded for doing so and may have been demoted.

One wonders what the carrot or stick is that keeps our nations in line?

And sometimes, the nation is not aware of what its diplomats are actually doing. I know of two such cases. Presumably it was the diplomat and not the nation that was given a carrot or threatened with a stick, or both.

Funny how doings at the supposed global organization to promote health are so fraught. Here is the document which you can translate yourself if you wish.

Besluit Inzake Who Brief
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