Slovakia also rejected the 2022 IHR amendments!!! Proof.

This is from an official reply which I translated using google translate. No more deadly vaccine mandates.

It is extraordinary how nations like to keep these things quiet. But there it is.

New Zealand, Netherlands, Slovakia and Iran rejected all or part of the 2022 amendments offered by the USA. How many others did so quietly as well?

The US then tried a new tack: pretending the new amendments and pandemic treaty were a project of the entire WHA, while the bought-and-paid-for members/staff of the Secretariat and Bureau shaped the documents according to the desires of the globalists. And now they want everyone to believe this fake effort to save us from lab-generated pandemics is a global necessity, instead of a globalists’ wet dream.

62 days before the WHO meets and tries to pull the wool over our eyes and tighten the noose around our necks, which nations will say no?

Princess Kate and King Charles both have sudden cancers. Thank the rapidly rolled out, designed-to-be-toxic-and-wreck-your-immune-surveillance-system vaccines.

“No one is safe until everybody is safe.” What they meant was that nobody is safe, even the richest royals in the world, while the globalists run the “health” and pandemics-generating system.

Don’t give the WHO the right to mandate untested, liability-free vaccines that could turn all of us into Princess Kates and King Charleses. Stop the WHO NOW!

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