Gov’ts around the world culled over 100 million chickens for a bird flu of no concern–I told you this last year and now the media are begrudgingly admitting it
H5N1 avian flu that Jeremy Farrar at the WHO keeps moaning about. Not even 1000 human infections ever--and now, mutated, it just causes fatigue or pink eye
Bird flu was to be another fear-inducing, titillating media darling. The CDC and USDA really tried to hide the fact it had mutated to a form that was no problem for humans. I hope I helped stir the pot on this subject and maybe millions of birds will no longer be culled to create yet another scam to scare the public about pandemics. Meantime a bird flu vaccine for humans got licensed, just in time! (Just in time to avoid the news coming out that it was totally unnecessary.) The chicken vaccine is in the pipeline.
And here is the story now:
… Despite the alarming increase in the past few years of the virus’s geographic range and the number of species it has been seen to infect, both the World Health Organization and the CDC currently assess its risk to people as low. The news of the case in Texas does not change that, Shah said.
H5N1 bird flu has been high on the worry list of experts on emerging diseases for the past two decades. Over that time there have been nearly 900 human infections in 23 countries; just over half of those infections have been fatal. But in recent years the strain of the virus circulating in many parts of the world — including the United States — seems to trigger human infections less frequently than earlier versions of the virus did. And when human cases caused by this strain occur, they are typically mild.
A case in point was the country’s first H5 infection, which occurred in 2022. A man who was involved in culling infected poultry in Colorado reported feeling fatigued; he tested positive for the virus. It was unclear if he was actually even infected or simply had viruses in his nose that were picked up by a nasal swab test….
The low rate of human infections and the mildness of most cases when they occur has counterbalanced concern about the virus’s astonishing spread.
And if you want more on this topic (I wrote about 5-6 posts on it) here is more: