Here is how we stop the WHO in the United States. Step 1: A HEARING to educate the Congress. Step 2 (the states) tomorrow.
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The strategy is to use every avenue we have to stop the WHO, or if we can’t stop it to slow it down, while educating the country and world about the coup that is afoot.
There are effective actions we can take at the federal level too.
While I have personally briefed about 18 members of Congress, and 54 members of the House have cosponsored AZ Rep. Andy Biggs’ bill HR79 to exit and defund the WHO, most have no idea about what is going on. The Biggs bill is sitting in limbo with no champion. The members have been handed misleading talking points and boilerplate letters designed to assure their ignorance. Worst of all, they were misled in the single hearing on the WHO that was held, by the Republican Wenstrup committee, in January. There were only 3 witnesses, all of whom worked for the administration and all 3 were actively engaged in getting the Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments passed.
Testimony from Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs at HHS Ms. Loyce Pace confirmed my assertion that the US is actively bribing 50 countries to go along with its biosecurity agenda, and began this during the Obama administration. “Beyond these ongoing negotiations, since 2015, the United States has been working in partnership with other countries to strengthen critical health security capacities. Thanks to bipartisan budgetary support from Congress, the Unites States is providing support to over 50 countries globally to strengthen global health security.” What was misrepresented by the 3 witnesses was the contents of the Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments and the effort by WHO to transform itself into the global governor of health.
What we need is a real hearing that clears the air and explains what the treaty and amendments are really about and why. In past months NJ Rep. Chris Smith said he would hold a hearing as he is chair of the perfect subcommittee, but instead he held a press conference. TX Rep ChipRoy was to hold a Judiciary hearing (he heads the Constitution subcommittee) on the WHO but there has been little movement on this so far. There are more than 50 other members who have made their position known, but who are currently quiet. Is there pushback? I’d imagine pushback by the deep state is huge.
Here are some ideas for committees that could hold a relevant hearing or perform oversight of the federal plan to adopt the WHO treaty and IHR amendments:
a. Government Oversight committee, healthcare and financial services subcommittee: Paul Gosar and Anna Paulin Luna have spoken up against the WHO
b. Same committee, National Security subcommittee (the biowarfare agent aspect) includes Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar
c. Chris Smith chairs the Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations
d. House Energy and Commerce’s Health subcommittee regulates the DHHS, which is mainly negotiating the WHO treaties. Diana Harshbarger sits on this committee.
e. Wondering about the House Rules Committee. Can it scrutinize the transfer of sovereignty that the WHO documents would cause to occur? Here is what the Committee’s website says: “In essence, so long as a majority of the House is willing to vote for a special rule, there is little that the Rules Committee cannot do.”
Can you work with any of these committee members to try and get a hearing? We will help their staff with questions and witnesses if they need assistance.