The WHO has its very own Pandemic substack. Even before the members vote on it, the WHO Pandemic Agenda is being built. Many eating at the trough

"What’s new at the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence?"

You an watch the video at the substack site below.

Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence
What’s new at the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence?
The first quarter of 2024 marked an exciting start to the year for the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence. Transitioning Collaborative Surveillance from a concept to global implementation remains a priority for us. We have been accelerating our initiatives, strengthening partnerships, building communities, as well as taking stock of good pra…
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The first quarter of 2024 marked an exciting start to the year for the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence.

Transitioning Collaborative Surveillance from a concept to global implementation remains a priority for us. We have been accelerating our initiatives, strengthening partnerships, building communities, as well as taking stock of good practices and lessons learned along the way.

We are pleased to share with you a selection of these highlights:

  • Launching the catalytic grant fund for pathogen genomics by the International Pathogen Surveillance Network

  • Building core capabilities of national public health agencies for health emergency preparedness and response

  • Leveraging global momentum on wastewater and environmental surveillance for stronger public health surveillance

  • Visit of the German Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Global Health

  • Strengthening surveillance and health security systems in Africa through a unique partnership model

  • EIOS Coordination Group’s mid-term meeting in Singapore shapes future strategy

  • The Collaboratory Summit

  • Enhancing global preparedness and response capacity for respiratory pathogens in Tanzania 

  • Strengthening public health intelligence training globally

  • Speaker Series N°7 – A laboratory for collaboration: Leveraging diversity for better decision-making

  • 9th Innovation Forum: Bridging climate and health data for decision-making

The initial grants for the catalytic fund have been provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and Wellcome, to support the International Pathogen Surveillance Network (IPSN). The IPSN is a new global network of pathogen surveillance actors convened by WHO through a Secretariat at the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence. The fund is hosted by the UN Foundation on behalf of the IPSN.

More details on the IPSN catalytic grant fund can be found here.

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